Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things I Love

Things I love... In no particular order.

Above all #'s I have to put my love for God and what Jesus did for me (aka Salvation).  If you'd like to know more about this please make a comment and I'll get back to you.  Trust me it's the greatest thing in this world!

1. When the Hubs does thoughtful things without being prompted (ie. taking out the garbage, bathing the kids, bringing home flowers etc.).  Oh My Lanta he's so super dreamy =).

2.  When Firecracker says "Lub, Mom" (his way of saying "I love you, Mom" =)...  Melt my heart!

3.  When Sweet Pea smiles at me.  My heart just melted again =).

4.  Visits from family.  These are always good for my soul.  My family makes me laugh and laughing is good medicine they say.

5. Getting a good deal (oh, baby, this is like a drug to me!)

6.  My Church and Church family!

7.  When I've been gone, doesn't matter if it's been for 10 minutes or 10 hours, and Firecracker runs to greet me as soon as I get home & he's hollering "MOM'S HOME!!!"

8.  Ice cream & cake  (honestly, I have such a sweet tooth you really could put just about any sweet treat in this space)

9.  Drive thrus.  Any Mamma that has more than one child under the age of 3 loves them a drive thru.  Whether it's for food, dry cleaners or the pharmacy.  They're quite the life saver.

10.  Movie theaters.  I know this one is a bit strange, but there is something about seeing a movie in the theater that is still thrilling to me =).

I could go on for quite sometime talking about wonderful fall days where you don't have to run the air conditioner, or days when Firecracker insists he's a super hero and runs around the house cape flapping behind him.  But I don't want to bore you. 

Have a great day!!

Ms. T

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