Saturday, November 5, 2011


I have many pet peeves in my life.  Some of them silly others not so much.  Well, today I must share the most obnoxious one with you. CLUTTER!  I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, double hate and loathe entirely (name that movie =) clutter. 

It seems no matter how hard I fight it clutter seems to win.  You don't have this problem?  It's only me?  Oh well, in that case good for you, and you're never invited to my house =).  You might be nodding your head and saying, "but Ms. T, you have 2 little kiddos.  It's bound to happen.  Especially since little babies could fill a 13x13 storage unit with just the items for them."  Well, thank you for the encouraging words, but they're really of little consolation.

You see, my Daddy is a clutter hater also.  (see it's in my genes).  His solution to this problem was to throw it all away.  I grew up thinking this was normal.  Every couple of months you have a nice ol' spring cleaning and get rid of anything and everything you didn't need, or wasn't nailed down.  However, the Hubs did NOT grow up this way.  So he thinks I'm absolutely insane when I see clutter and it drives me nutty. 

Clutter is an area that we have to agree to disagree on.  You see to Hubs if it's organized neatly, say in nice little piles, it's fine, no problem at all.  He can't stand it when it's all over the place, but little piles are his thing.  So to keep a happy marriage I endure his piles BUT every now and then he just has to deal with me going on a rampage and throwing things out.  It's good for the soul.  I promise. 

So you might be wondering how I handle all this clutter if I'm not disposing of it.  Well, I'll share a little secret with you.  I hide.  That's right, friends, I hide!  I always have one room of the house that is completely clutter free.  (don't ask which one, because it changes daily).  And when I'm stressing, I go to that room for a few minutes and breathe it in.  It's a beautiful thing.  Then I go back to the chaos that is the rest of my house.  It's not a perfect system to be sure, but this frazzled Mommy needs all the stress relief she can get. 

I have big dreams of someday being clutter free....  However, I'd probably have to live in a room all by myself.....  Not such a great dream when you think about it like that ;)

Wishing you all a clutter free day!

Ms. T.

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  1. I love you my little "Clutter hating" Ms T! When you dream of someday living clutter free, remember that you would probably then also probably have to be husband and child free which would make it WAY less fun!!! :) You handle the stress of the clutter very well...I'm proud of you!!! Love you!

  2. Too easy...It's the GRINCH!! Not the old one, but the 2000 remake with Jim Carey and Taylor Momsen as Cindy Lou Who (pretend I sang her name, it's fun).
