Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hotline to God

Hey Ya'll!  I hope today finds you well.

As I write, I realize that my circumstances have changed drastically since Thursday when I wrote A Moment of Silence.  But this requires just a bit of backstory.

Yesterday, Ms. T wrote about her mom, which we lovingly refer to as Gram.  I met Gram just over 10 years ago.  I did not know when I met her what a massive impact that she would have on my life.  I did not know that she would become my confidant, my friend, my second mom, and my prayer warrior.  I was good friends with her son, and through him I met both Mrs. T and The Hubs. 

When The Hubs and I married, in December of 2003, I moved away from everything and everyone I had known, with the exception of Mrs. T's family.  Gram stepped in as a second mother to me.  When I found out that I was pregnant a mere 3 months after The Hubs and I got married, Gram was the one I talked to.  When I was suffering from PPD and didn't know how to survive, Gram was the one that offered her support and love.  She has rocked my babies. She has driven hours to see me when I was in the hospital with pneumonia.  She has dried my tears.  She has made me laugh.  She has even guilted me into doing a few things, even though I always tease that I don't have to listen because she's not my "real" mom.

Gram is a true woman of God.  Now I know that we all have direct access to God, but if you ever need an answer to prayer, Gram is the woman to go to.  We (pretty much anyone that knows her very well) joke that Gram has a direct hotline to God, and that He listens to her. 

There have been nights that I have been absolutely exhausted and desperately needed a good night's sleep.  I have either called Gram, or she has called me, and she told me that she would pray for me.  She would ask what time I would be putting the babies to bed, and she would pray during that time for them to sleep quickly and through the night.  On those nights, I have had the best sleep possible.  There have been times that our family has faced immediate needs, and she has prayed fervently on our behalf to have miracles happen and they have. 

Well, so of course you know what I did on Wednesday when the Cavi died?  I texted Gram.  I would have called, but I was pretty sure that she was in church.  I told her the situation, that the car was completely D-E-A-D.   I told her of several other trials that our little family was facing right now, such as my left ovary had decided to punch me in the face.  Ok, not literally, but I was in severe pain and had no idea why.  With no health insurance, the ER was the last place I was headed to.   Gram messaged that she would start praying, and I knew I could trust her.

Wow, that was a long backstory!  And I even skipped a lot of details! 

So, that brings us up to Thursday.  The Hub's sister let him borrow her truck to go to work, and his dad said he would take another look at the car to see if we could get it running enough to sell it.  Well, he and a mechanic friend looked at it on Wednesday night, only to tell us it was finished.  When The Hubs got over to his parents' house on Thursday, the Cavi was running!!!

The Hubs called me, and said, "Well, there's no point in spending any more money on the Cavi."  To which I replied, "It's dead?"  And he said, "No!  It's running better now than it ever has.  I am sitting in it right now with it running, and can you even hear it?"  I couldn't.  It cost a total of $43, and the time of his generous dad, and it is running like a champ again!

The ovary that was attacking my body for 4 solid days, also just quit hurting. Other trials that we were facing just seemed to resolve themselves.

This is totally God!!!  It really is!  I know it.  But, I also know that it has a lot to do with the prayers of my two sisters, my mom, Mrs. T, and a certain Gram of mine.

Well, I have to get to bed.  The Little Miss and I are getting up before daylight to drive to Georgia for a couple of days.  Prayers would be appreciated from all of you!  Have a Happy Sunday!

Ms. L

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, my dear "daughter-in-love", thank you so much for the precious words of love and encouragement, but the pleasure has been mine to have the opportunity to be involved in your lives and to have a part in lifting your needs to the throne of grace. The answers have been because we have such a loving heavenly Father who waits to hear from his children in their hour of need. I love you and pray that you will have safe travels.
