Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Musings

Happy Thanksgiving, Ya'll!

Today is an unusual day for me.  It's a great day, because Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year.  However, today is a somewhat sad day as well.  This is only the 2nd time in my entire life that I haven't been with my parents and sisters on Thanksgiving, and the Black Friday activities that follow.

In addition to that, there has been a trial of massive proportions that has been presented to our family this week.  Although I do not understand why we are having to deal with this, I know that we, and our faith, will be stronger in the end.  I also know that this situation did not take our awesome God by surprise. 

So, here is a list of my favorite things that I am thankful for:

1) My ever-faithful God and Saviour.

2) The Hubs - He may be terrible at gift-giving, but he keeps my eyebrows looking nice, rubs my feet on a regular basis, and ends each day running his fingers through my hair.  And he loves me.  Even when I am not very lovable. 

3) My Kids - They make me laugh and cry.  They love to snuggle (or cuggle as Little Miss calls it).  They are generous and compassionate.  They are my life.

4) My Best Friends - I have a few, mainly my sister, and Ms. T.  They know me better than anyone, and know that when I say I am okay, they know when to ask, "Are you sure?"

5) My Health and the health of my family.

6) The promise that God made to provide for our needs, and that He has revealed Himself to us many times.

7) My California King Size Bed.  I need to able to sleep without coming in contact with anyone, and this wonderful lake sized bed is perfect for that.

8) High Thread Count Sheets - These go on previously mentioned lake sized bed.  They are wonderful.  Invest in them now.  They are on sale on Black Friday.  You won't regret it.

9) DVR.  My life changed when we got our first pause live TV button.

10) Spanx.  Trust me, I am thankful, and you are too. For real.

11) Coupons.  I love coupons. 'Nuff said.

12) Books.  I get lost in a story, and even feel sad when I have to say goodbye to the characters.  I know, pitiful.

13) Lasagna. Cause that's what we had for dinner last night, and it was tasty.  Hmm... I think there are left overs. were left overs.

14) Pinterest.  If you don't know what I am talking about, you and I can't be friends.  Sorry.

15) My huband's chocolate chip cookies.  They are the best in the world.  They don't look so great on my thighs, but oh they taste so good.

16) My husband's Frozen Sweet Tea.  It's like my own South Georgia Girl Non-Alcoholic Margarita. 

17)Your mom.  Okay, not really.  Unless I actually know your mom.  And then, of course I am thankful for her.  But if I don't know your mom, then I am not.  Oh wait, if I know you, then I have to be thankful for your mom. Duh.

18) Laughter.  I am so glad that God gave us laughter.  There are days that I don't know what I would do if I couldn't find something to laugh about.  It is such a good medicine to my heart and soul.

19) Not getting my way.  Ok, I know this sounds crazy as a favorite thing, but it's true.  When I look back on my life and think about some things that I wished and prayed for, I am so glad God saw fit not to give them to me.  Even though I didn't understand why I couldn't have what I thought would make me happy, I do now.  Even small things that I wished for as a teenager, if I had been allowed to have my way, my life would be completely different.  In a not so good way. 

20) This Blog.  When Ms. T and I got together and decided to start this, I was scared, nervous, and not so sure it would work.  Today, I am so thankful that I have a place to go where I can voice my thoughts, my feelings, and pretend like I am talking to someone over the age of 7.  So thank you, for reading, because without you, I would be talking to a wall.  And people just think that is crazy. 

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