Friday, October 21, 2011

Adventures in Oral Surgery & 5 ? Friday

Yesterday, I had to get my wisdom teeth out =(.  It is no fun, but it really went better than I expected.  See you may not know this about me, but when I get nervous especially about medical stuff I cope by using humor.  Yesterday was no exception.  The Hubs was a great sport, as he usually is when he knows I'm nervous.  He took the ribbing I gave him with a light hearted smile, or in some cases a chuckle and nod.

The nurse and the doctor were laughing with me, or maybe at me, there at the end...  I'm sure I was quite the sight trying to crack jokes with a numbed mouth full of gauze.  See now you're even laughing with me, or at me. 

The funniest part (or most nerve wracking actually in the moment) was while I was lying in the chair waiting for the anaesthetic to numb me up.  The doctor's office was apparently right next to the room I was in.  He was on the phone and saying, rather excitedly might I add, "yeah, yeah, I'm finally done.  Yep, I finished October 1st, so I'm officially done."  So here I am lying in the chair thinking, "grrreeaaattt.  I'm patient number 10 or something!"  Not so reassuring while you're already slightly nervous.  But now it's hilarious (only because everything went well =)!

P.S. My FABULOUS parents drove 5 1/2 hours just to come and watch my munches and help take care of them for a few days while I recover.  I know you wish you were as lucky as I am to have such great parents ;).

And onto 5 ? Friday! Thanks to Mama M. letting us link up!

1. Where do you escape to when you've had enough?
   Shopping.  I leave the Hubs with the kids and go to the store for some coupon deals.  It's my catharsis.

2.  What shows are you watching this fall?
    Fringe, House and my newest favorite "The New Girl".

3.  What is the longest road trip you've ever taken and where did you go?
     I'd say it was like 475,668,697,857 hours or at least it felt like it.  I rode with my parents to Maine for my younger brother's wedding.  I tell ya, it was fun, but a really long drive.

4. Do you plan on taking your kids to Disney World?
    YES, they've actually already been to Disney.  Firecracker has been 3 times now and Sweet Pea has been once.  I love Disney.  As long as we can afford it I will take my kids.  Plus it's a great excuse for me to get to go ;).

5.  What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
     In the words of my niece, "I sometimes sing in Japanese"!  You know when you don't really know that awkward moment when you're singing along with a song and the artist gets the words wrong.  You start mumbling.... yep, that's me ;).  Honestly, I have very few secrets.  Ask me what you wanna know and I'll tell ya.  No problems.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Ms. T

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