Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I love, love, love to have my hair played with.  It's so relaxing and just feels good.  Well, last night Firecracker wanted to play with my hair. 

I was excited thinking, "yes, he's finally to the age where playing with my hair will be fun for both of us!"  I couldn't have been more wrong.... well, I guess I could have, but that would have required scissors, hair dye and a maimed monkey (don't get mad at me, PETA, I don't make the rules!). 

Firecracker started out innocently enough, gently moving my hair side to side and then running his fingers through it at one point.  This made me smile!  Then he started yanking and pulling (not because he wanted to inflict pain, but because he thought it would be funny.).  That's when the "let's play with Mommy's hair" time ended. 

Lesson 7,899: unless Mommy wants a migraine do not allow the 2 1/2 year old to play with your hair.  Man, I'm learning a lot being a Mom! =)

Hope you have a great day!

Ms. T

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