Cousins are special people. They love you like family (because they are), but play with you like friends. Cousins fight with you like siblings, but when you're not around miss you terribly.
I grew up many states away from my cousins and only got to see them about once a year. Therefore, we didn't have the relationship that cousins that grow up down the street from one another have.
I have always said I wanted my kids to know their family better than I got to know mine. Spending the night at their Grandparent's house, hanging out with cousins, hanging out with Aunts and Uncles...
It does my heart good to know that Firecracker already loves his cousins. He gets to see some of his cousins on a regular basis. Unfortuantely, my whole family and the Hubs family do not live in a 3 mile radius like I would choose if I could. Some of my siblings live many states away while others live closer, but too far to see on all the time. However, he does get to see them more than once a year.
I love to watch the Firecracker and his cousins interact. It warms my heart. They are going to have such a special relationship and be there for each other when no one else is.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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You are right! Firecracker and his cousins are fun to watch! They already love each other special! I love it!