Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Garage Sale Flop

So do you remember a few Saturdays ago I was going to be holding a garage sale?  No, you have other things to do with your brain?  And you didn't bother to remember that?!  I'm so hurt...  hahaha!

Well, My SIL and I held a combined garage sale and even put it up on Craigslist.  We were each selling our tiny baby stuff, because we are both DONE having babies and that stuff takes up mucho space.  Anywho, my SIL and I thought for sure we'd make a good bit not to mention clean out our garages (also, making our Hubbies happy a win-win situation).  

Can I tell you we were WRONG!  I made 50.00 all of which I spent at another garage sale on a fantastic dresser for Sweet Pea and a scooter for Firecracker.  (I have been looking for a dresser for her since before she was born.  We've been using one of those plastic drawer things, and while it works, it's not exactly permanent dresser material.)  Basically I traded my stuff for more stuff.... that was NOT the goal of the day.

This is exactly why I don't do garage sales..... Lesson learned.... AGAIN.

Hope you have a great day! =)

Ms. T

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