Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More Mysteries

This is just another list of things that my little mind can't seem to wrap around.

1. Why can't side walk chalk (and lots of other things too) fit back into the container once you take it out?

2.  No matter how clean I think my floor is how is it my daughter can always find something to put in her mouth?

3.  Have you ever noticed that some days you can walk into your closet and pick out an outfit in 3 seconds flat.  Then other days you walk in and look around and think where in the world did I get these clothes?  None of this looks good on me. Why did I buy that dress?  I've only worn it once and didn't like it then.  On these days it takes a solid 30 minutes or more to get dressed.  Why is that? 

A few more random thoughts floating around in my brain today.  Just thought you'd like to ponder them with me ;).

Hope you have a great day!

Ms. T

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  1. Well thought out mysteries...unfortunately you didn't come up with the answers!!! They shall continue to mystify us!!!

  2. I was hoping for some clarification myself! Rats! I guess we'll all be mystified together.
