Monday, March 5, 2012

A Funeral and A Birthday Party

This weekend was a mixed bag.  A few weeks ago, we had been invited to a friend's baby's 1st birthday party.  We were excited for the little man's 1st birthday and Firecracker loves birthday parties.  Early last week though a long time friend of my family passed away and his funeral was the same day and time as the party.

The Hubs and I decided in order to keep the commitment we had already made to the party, and to be able to pay our respects we would divide and conquer.  The Hubs and Firecracker attended the party and Sweet pea and myself attended the funeral.

Let's just say the weekend held quite the range of emotions.  The Firecracker and the Hubs had a great time at the party =).  Which I'm glad for.  And our family friend was honored and the sheer amount of people in attendace showed how respected and loved he was in our community.  This coming weekend will be much more low key, which this Mamma is looking forward to! =)

Hope you all have a great day!

Ms. T

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