Monday, March 12, 2012

Have I Ever Lied To You?!

Why oh why is it that Firecracker doesn't seem to believe me when I say, "son, if you do ______,  you will be in trouble."?  He then proceeds to do whatever it is that I just told him not to do.  Then, the Pièce de résistance comes when he looks at me like I have two heads when I carry out the punishment. 

It's almost like we've never had this cycle happen ever before, and yet WE HAVE!  Daily actually...  Why oh why doesn't he believe me and just not do whatever it is?  It really would make both of our lives easier.  And yet we continue this oh so fun cycle (please note that last statement was dripping with sarcasm.  I wish there was a sarcastic font...).  Oh the joys of parenthood... (again insert sarcastic font here).

Hope you have a great day!

Ms. T

P.s. the Hubs just informed me that I need to get used to this, because it will be like this until he's about 30 when he realizes we did know what we were talking about.  Wow, he knows how to sweet talk me doesn't he?!

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  1. If he gets if by 30 then he is ahead of the curve!

  2. I can't believe you and Slomojoe are sooo pessimistic!!! Children do believe their parents...they just hope that at least ONE TIME the parents WON'T carry through!!!
