Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Night in the Emergency Room

Well, yesterday was interesting to say the least.  The Hubs went to the doctor because he had been really sick for a few days.  The doctor sent him for blood work and an ultrasound.  Once that was done the Hubs came home to wait for news. 

About 4 o'clock we got the call that the Hub's gallbladder is possibly infected and he needed to head to the emergency room right away.  Doesn't that sound like fun?  So I dropped the munches with my fabulous Sister in law and took the Hubs to the E.R. 

After 5 hours of sitting and waiting and having everyone, including the janitor, come in and ask us why we were there, and expect us to give them the whole story the Hubs was finally in a room and resting.  (just kidding about the janitor, but it seemed like it)  For real though, I got so tired of telling the same story that I started to change it.  "Yes, nurse, he's here for an emergency tatoo removal.  You see it's his ex girlfriend's name and if he doesn't get it removed I'll kill him.  So you see it's really life threatening." 

Yes, I know this is childish, but when you've done nothing except sit in a "curtain room" for 5 hours (you know those rooms in the e.r. that aren't really rooms.  They're really just a big hallway with curtains in between the patients), you get super bored.  And yes, I did tell them the real reason after we all had a good laugh. 

I haven't been in an E.R. that was as packed as that one was in a long time.  I tell you what the E.R. doesn't bring in the highest class of people..... I'm not judging, but seriously almost everyone was wearing non matching pajamas, and taking turns smoking.  It was interesting to say the least.

And before I go I MUST tell you an interesting conversation we overheard. One woman, the Hub's "curtain neighbor", came in complaining of chest pains and not being able to breathe.  When the doctor came in to see her he saw scars on her and she said, "yeah, I had lung cancer".  So the dr. said, "did you stop smoking?"
Woman: "no"
Dr.: "do you plan on stopping"
Woman: "I'm not going to lie to you.  I don't ever plan on stopping."
Dr.: "huh, well how many do you smoke?"
Woman: "not nearly as many as I used to."

Interesting no? See, after such a looooooonnnngg wait I was reduced to lying to the employees and eavesdropping on the curtain neighbors.  I'm a horrible person.  Now you know my secrets.  I wonder if this is what people used to do before they had t.v.?

Have a wonderful day!

Ms. T

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1 comment:

  1. Is that what people did before TV? I don't know...before TV they may not have had "curtain neighbors!" Praying that the tattoo removal is a complete success!!! It would be really bad to have HALF of the ex's name!!!
