Friday, February 3, 2012

5 Question Friday!

Yay, FRIDAY!!!! =)  Tomorrow we are going to Mickey Mouse's house!!  Better known as Disney World.  I can't wait! I haven't broken the news to the Firecracker yet, because he still has no concept of time.  If I told him too soon then he wouldn't stop asking when we were going until the minute we got in the van to head out.  Therefore, I will tell him tonight probably at dinner.  Anyway, I know he will be PSYCHED!

So if there isn't a post tomorrow you'll forgive me right?  Oh good thanks so much! =)

Alrighty on with the 5 question Friday fun!  Once again thanks to Mama M. for letting us link up.

1. What have you done recently that you are proud of?

    I sought help for my depression and am clawing my way out of it.  I cannot express how great this feels.  You will never understand this feeling, unless you’ve done it.  And trust me I don’t wish depression on anyone whether they’re my best friend or worst enemy.  P.s. lately there has been a trend around to wear a silver ribbon for those who are fighting depression or support someone who is.  So if you see someone with a silver ribbon know they are fighting for themselves or a loved one and proud of it.

2. What is your favorite way to work out? Or if you don't workout, what are you wanting to try?

     I used to walk with one of my favorite people.  But that was back before I had children.  I am interested in Zumba, but I’d have to get a dvd of it to try out in my own home after everyone else is in bed, because I have ZERO rhythm and I  don’t want to subject myself to all the pointing and mocking that would no doubtedly go on in a public setting of any kind.

3. If you knew you best friend was cheating on spouse would you tell?

     Not right away.  I would give my friend a chance to tell their Hubby first.  I would do this only because I know that if I were the one being cheated on then I would want to know.  I’m thankful though, because I know my Hubs would NEVER cheat on me.  And I also am pretty confident that those I am close with wouldn’t put me in this position.

4. If you could afford a live-in maid or nanny, would you have one?

     Oh Sure!  And while you’re at it let’s throw in a cook, personal shopper, butler and a chauffer! Hahahaha!!  Ok for real, I probably would get maybe a part time maid/ nanny.  Someone that could do my most despised chores (aka laundry), and maybe watch the kids for a couple of hours a week just to give me a little down time. 

5. Do you stress out about birthdays (specifically the age) or do you enjoy them?

     I do not stress out over birthdays for 3 very good reasons.  1.  There is nothing I can do about getting older.  2.  My Mama always says, “if you’re not getting older you’re dead”.  So personally I’ll take the birthdays, thankyouverymuch.  3. In our house we have some rules for birthdays.  You cannot be wrong on your birthday, you always win (whatever game you may be playing whether it’s monopoly or the punch bug game) on your birthday, and your birthday must be a happy day. 

     We may have to tweak a few of these rules once the munchkins get old enough to know what they mean.  But for now these are the birthday rules and I LOVE them!  So yes, I am an adult and I still count down the days til my birthday.  By the way there are 327 days til my birthday =).  Thanks for asking!!!

I hope you all have a great day!

Ms. T

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