Friday, February 22, 2013

5 Question Friday!

I'm so happy it's Friday!!!  The Hubs has been working some crazy hours this week and I'm hoping to get a little family time in this weekend.  

On with the crazy, 5 question fun =)

1.  What is a hobby you would love to learn and why?
      I've always been fascinated with making pottery.  I'd really love to learn.  I even talked about learning when I was in high school.  It was just one of those things I "never got around to".  Maybe someday I'll learn...

2 What do you wish you could have delivered to your house but does not deliver?
     Family members.  I miss my family that do not live close by, but finances prevent any of us from being able to visit whenever we want.  So I'd have to say I want to be able to pick up the phone and order a brother, a sister in law with a couple of nephews on the side =).  Or any other combination of family. 
3.  What's your favorite snow day activity?  Inside and out?   
    Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!  This is a great joke!  It has only snowed here twice in my lifetime.  And the snow melted when it hit the ground both times.  So I don't really have any favorite "snow day" activities.  However, since the heat here can get ridiculous.  We do have days we don't go outside because of "heat advisory warnings".  On those days, (if I am alone and have nothing better to do) I love to watch movies.  I'm a movie buff.  I always have been, but lately... oh I'd say the last 3 or 4 years... I've not had the time to sit around and watch very many new ones or even rewatch my old favorites.  So movie watching is a must on a "heat advisory" day.  
     If I'm in real life and I have the kids with me on heat days we play games inside.  We will do obstacle courses and jumping games and races and just about anything else I can think of (or find on pinterest!) that will work some of their never ending energy out of those little bodies. 
4.  Would you meet a stranger from an internet dating site?
     There was a time in my life that I would have said no to this.  However, I have several people that I know that have successfully found mates through the internet, so I think I would.  However, because I know that this world is full of crazy people and shows like "Law and Order" and "Criminal Minds" really ARE based on true stories 90% of the time (they change just enough to be able to say "no real people or crimes were recreated. and any likeness is coincidence" or however they word it) I would have to pack some heat.  I would also have to call everyone I've ever met in my whole life and tell them where I was going, who I was going to meet and how long I plan on staying.  And to assume something is terribly wrong if they haven't heard from me by that time.  The only snag in this plan?  I will tell you.  It is my memory.  You see it could be that the person I would meet would be nice and not serial killer like at all and we would get all caught up in conversation and then the time that I told people I would call them by would have come and gone and then all the people I've ever met in my whole life would call the police because they hadn't heard from me.  And then the police would bum rush the restaurant/ wherever we were, and take him down and arrest him, because at this point I've left to go home, Obviously they wouldn't arrest him if I were standing right there.  And then I would have to come and bail him out of jail.  And then he would never want to see or talk to me again. This would so happen in my life.  I'm just saying.  Thankfully I don't have to worry about it, because I have the Hubs.  
5. If you had to spend 35 hours in a car with 4 other people who would you choose?
    OH MYLANTA!  Where in the world are we going that we are driving for 35 hours?!And why in the world are there 5 of us and not 4 or 6?  It's one thing to have kids with you, but no sane person wants to take a kid on a 35 hour road trip, so we're going to assume adults.  And if we're going with adults then why would 1 single person choose to go on vacation with 2 couples?  That's sadistic.   Ok, so I'm going to have 3 people in the car with me.  I'm a rebel what can I say?  Well, I'm gonna say the Hubs  and gosh I'm having a hard time choosing.  I'm gonna say either my bestie, Ms. L and her Hubby or my older bro, Mr. Pickles, and his wife. Oh or my younger bro, Ham, and his wife, or my parents, or the Hub's brother, Big guy, and his wife, or my older sister and her hubs.... Gosh we have a bunch of people we love and wouldn't mind being trapped in a car with for hours. We would have a splendid time together!  We are all crazy people that love to laugh and we are all super sarcastic and most of us choose to make jokes when it is totally inappropriate...  which just makes it even better!!!  

Hope you have a great weekend!
Ms. T 

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