Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I've had this post idea rolling around in my head for about a month, but I hesitated to put it out there, because I didn't want anyone to think I'm tooting my own horn.  I assure you that is not my intent.  I only want to explain that as I've grown older and lived more of life I've come to truly understand what love is.

First I want to refresh you on the Bible's definition of love.  No matter what you do or do not believe, you have to agree that this definition of love is definitely spot on!

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. it does not insist on it's own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things."  (I Corinthians 13:4-7 English Standard Version)

Really, I mean who can top that definition of love?!  Patient, not rude, doesn't envy, is not irritable, rejoices in the truth, bears all things and endures all things.  For real, I strive to show this kind of love to my Hubs, my kids and my family.  Honestly, most of the time I fail miserably, but I ask God to help me to love them and treat them the way He wants me to.  I'm telling you it's changed my life.  

Ok, so now that we've seen what the Bible has to say about love, I just wanted to throw in a few more things that I've noticed in my years of experience.  If you've got more to add please comment! =)

 Love is:
* When someone puts your needs above their own.  I'm not talking about watching a movie they don't want to see because you want to see it.  I'm talking about your mate, parent, friend etc., realizing that you have a true need and taking steps to help you. (in my case I often need to be alone in my bed.  Sometimes life is too much for me to handle and I need to escape).  They don't complain, they simply do what needs to be done.

* When people make time for you.  I know this sounds silly, but it's not when you really think about it.  The older we get the more busy life gets.  Kids demand our attention, jobs take time etc.  However, those who truly love you and value your relationship will take time out of their lives to talk to you, or hang out with you.  

* Praying for you.  People that truly love one another pray for each other.  It's another way they make time for you.  They lift you up to the Heavenly Father to ask Him to bless you and help you.  If that's not love I don't know what is.

These are just a few of the things I've noticed about the nature of true love.  I am blessed to say that I have many people in my life that I love, and that truly love me in return.  

I hope you have a great day!
Ms. T    

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