Holy Guacamole! How did it already become the last day of May?! The last time I checked it was January 1st. Haha! Gosh, this year is going fast!
Here we go with the 5 question fun!
1. What is an acceptable age for girls to start dating?
In general? I'd say around 16 or 17. You've got to give them a little bit of freedom before they move out, otherwise they'll go nuts when they're out on their own.
When it comes to Sweet pea? I'm going to say never, because she will always be my baby girl and the Hubs will go nuts on any boy that tries to come near her. ;)
2. Do you think your kids should have summer homework?
This question doesn't apply to us yet since neither of my kids are in school yet. But I think if the homework is light and optional it's a great idea. It is always bad to have kids that have nothing to do. That's when they start thinking up things on their own and most of the time those things get them in trouble.
3. Would you prefer to live without AC or heat?
Since the temperatures here are already like 4 gazillion degrees I'd MUCH rather live without heat. (Ok, they're not that bad) We only have 3 or 4 weeks a year that we need to run the heat so that would definitely be the one I'd choose.
4. What is the worst thing about staying in a hotel? (Besides not being with your family)
You see I am a germaphobe. Even as a teenager I would bring my own sheets to hotels, because it creeped me out to think about sleeping somewhere where other people had sex. It is nasty. Plus I watched a news story where they went into a hotel room and shined a black light and OH MY GOODNESS the nastiness!!!!
5. So, do your kids really get "104 days of summer vacation"?
Oh gotta love a good Phineas and Ferb reference! Firecracker loves Phineas and Ferb! And the school where Firecracker is going to go in the fall only get 90 days (give or take) of summer vacation.
Have a great week!
Ms. T
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One crazy girl blogging about kids, creativity and the chaos I call life.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Have I told ya'll that I love Pinterest ? Because I DO! I get all kinds of ideas off of there. Now mind you I've pinned more ideas than I've done, but we've had some very successful adventures using Pinterest as our creativity guide.
One of my kid's new favorite things is Ooblek. It's extremely hard to describe, but I'll try. It is a liquid but you can mold it, it doesn't hold the shape once you let go, but you can physically hold it. Yeah, I know, that doesn't sound possible, but I swear that is what it is! If you want to try it yourself you'll see! Plus this is extremely cheap to do with the kiddos, and as long as you do it outside very clean up friendly.
Ingredients needed: 1 cup cornstarch, 1/2 cup water and food coloring (optional). This is for one bowl. I typically make 3 or 4 bowls for the kids to have to mix colors etc.
Mix the food coloring and water first (if you try to put the food coloring in after you mix in the cornstarch it doesn't go well). Then dump in the cornstarch and mix. Then give it to your kids!
Things I love about this:
1. Most kids love to get messy and this allows them to do just that
2. It is totally safe. If for some reason one of the kids decides to take a taste there is nothing in it that will harm them.
3. As soon as this stuff starts to dry it goes right back to being cornstarch! (You can't save it though, it doesn't go well when you try to reconstitute it. Ask me how I know)
4. It will not mess up clothing.
5. It keeps my kids entertained for 30 to 45 minutes every time we do it! And that is saying something, because my kids tend to have the attention span of an ADHD person that's hyped up on sugar and caffeine.
6. It's super cheap to make. A box of cornstarch costs about 1.50 depending on where you buy it. Sometimes you can find it cheaper. Even if you use the whole box at once you're still only spending 1.50! That's cheap entertainment, people!
Here are some pictures of the kids having some messy fun with their Ooblek:
The clean up was super easy. I sent the kids inside to wash their hands and I just hosed off the little table. Easy peasy! It's a great, fun little adventure for your kids. Hey, even I liked to play with it! =)
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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One of my kid's new favorite things is Ooblek. It's extremely hard to describe, but I'll try. It is a liquid but you can mold it, it doesn't hold the shape once you let go, but you can physically hold it. Yeah, I know, that doesn't sound possible, but I swear that is what it is! If you want to try it yourself you'll see! Plus this is extremely cheap to do with the kiddos, and as long as you do it outside very clean up friendly.
Ingredients needed: 1 cup cornstarch, 1/2 cup water and food coloring (optional). This is for one bowl. I typically make 3 or 4 bowls for the kids to have to mix colors etc.
Mix the food coloring and water first (if you try to put the food coloring in after you mix in the cornstarch it doesn't go well). Then dump in the cornstarch and mix. Then give it to your kids!
Things I love about this:
1. Most kids love to get messy and this allows them to do just that
2. It is totally safe. If for some reason one of the kids decides to take a taste there is nothing in it that will harm them.
3. As soon as this stuff starts to dry it goes right back to being cornstarch! (You can't save it though, it doesn't go well when you try to reconstitute it. Ask me how I know)
4. It will not mess up clothing.
5. It keeps my kids entertained for 30 to 45 minutes every time we do it! And that is saying something, because my kids tend to have the attention span of an ADHD person that's hyped up on sugar and caffeine.
6. It's super cheap to make. A box of cornstarch costs about 1.50 depending on where you buy it. Sometimes you can find it cheaper. Even if you use the whole box at once you're still only spending 1.50! That's cheap entertainment, people!
Here are some pictures of the kids having some messy fun with their Ooblek:
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I wasn't sure if it would stain their clothes so I put the boys in a couple of old shirts of the Hub's |
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O and Sweet pea jump right in, they love it! |
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Firecracker took more convincing. He doesn't like to be messy |
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He did it though! I was so proud he was willing to try! And right after I took this picture he cleaned off his hand and used his spoon to play with it. Hahaha! |
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This is how it looks once it starts to dry. |
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
2 People Every Parent Needs
I have come to the conclusion that every parent needs 2 people in their lives.
1. A wise elder who could help in sticky situations. I'm blessed to have my Mama be this person for me. Also, my "adopted grandmother" played a big part in this for me. They have helped me gain perspective in those moments of parenting when you aren't sure that you're going to make it through your toddler's terrible twos. They have helped me through many tear filled conversations walking me through the wisest way to handle the little person known as "Firecracker" in my house. Without them I don't know what I would do.
2. The second person every parent needs is another parent that is going through the same thing. I have many friends with kids, but the ones I seem to identify closest with are those that have little boys about the same age as Firecracker. I guess it's because it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that deals with crazy issues. It's so great to be sitting there with another parent who is telling a story and you're thinking, "yep, I know EXACTLY what she's talking about!" It makes you feel so much better.
I'm sure there are more people parent's need in their lives, but I tell ya these two would be very, very hard to live without.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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1. A wise elder who could help in sticky situations. I'm blessed to have my Mama be this person for me. Also, my "adopted grandmother" played a big part in this for me. They have helped me gain perspective in those moments of parenting when you aren't sure that you're going to make it through your toddler's terrible twos. They have helped me through many tear filled conversations walking me through the wisest way to handle the little person known as "Firecracker" in my house. Without them I don't know what I would do.
2. The second person every parent needs is another parent that is going through the same thing. I have many friends with kids, but the ones I seem to identify closest with are those that have little boys about the same age as Firecracker. I guess it's because it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that deals with crazy issues. It's so great to be sitting there with another parent who is telling a story and you're thinking, "yep, I know EXACTLY what she's talking about!" It makes you feel so much better.
I'm sure there are more people parent's need in their lives, but I tell ya these two would be very, very hard to live without.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Mean Well
I understand that many people don't understand depression. And I'm glad for them, because it means that they don't suffer from it. However, please stop reciting your ridiculous cliches to those of us that do suffer with it.
No, we can't "pray our way out of it" any more than someone can pray their way out of cancer. They are both diseases. They are both treated with medications. (I'm not saying God can't perform miracles. He can and He does, but does He cure everyone that prays and asks Him to heal their cancer? No, unfortunately, He doesn't.)
"Too blessed to be depressed" makes me feel like I'm choosing to be this way. Yes, I realize that God has blessed me inordinately. He has given me so many blessings and I am humbled by them. However, I'm not pouting because I didn't get what I wanted. I'm having a "low" with my disease.
"Time will heal it". Nope, once again does time heal cancer? Nope.
I don't mean to say there are not people who truly do try to understand and do not judge. I just would like it if people who don't understand depression would please stop with the cliches. They help no one.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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No, we can't "pray our way out of it" any more than someone can pray their way out of cancer. They are both diseases. They are both treated with medications. (I'm not saying God can't perform miracles. He can and He does, but does He cure everyone that prays and asks Him to heal their cancer? No, unfortunately, He doesn't.)
"Too blessed to be depressed" makes me feel like I'm choosing to be this way. Yes, I realize that God has blessed me inordinately. He has given me so many blessings and I am humbled by them. However, I'm not pouting because I didn't get what I wanted. I'm having a "low" with my disease.
"Time will heal it". Nope, once again does time heal cancer? Nope.
I don't mean to say there are not people who truly do try to understand and do not judge. I just would like it if people who don't understand depression would please stop with the cliches. They help no one.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day
I want to take a minute to thank those past
And present
who have and are defending our freedom. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Remember why today is special while you are enjoying your day off and relaxing with your family.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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And present
who have and are defending our freedom. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Remember why today is special while you are enjoying your day off and relaxing with your family.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Good Morning, Friends,
It's Friday!!! Yippee! Honestly, I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday. I couldn't figure out where the Hubs was. Then my alarm rang and reminded me it was Friday. Hahaha!
Alrighty, on with the 5 question fun!
1. Do you wake before the alarm or stay in bed until the last possible second?
Normally, I wait til the last possible second, however, this morning I woke up before the alarm. I enjoy my bed waaayyyyy too much to jump out before I need to ;).
2. Who should get a baby shower? Is it just the first baby or all babies?
Every baby is special. They all deserve to have their very own celebration. I know they don't know it, but the Mama does. It makes us feel special that so many people love our babies.
3. How will you spend Memorial day?
My baby brother, Ham, is flying in from ridiculously far away!! And he's bringing my nephew, A, with him!! =) I can't wait to smother A's face with kisses ;).
Anywho, the family is going to have a cook out and let all the kids run around like crazy people and play together. It should be a great time!
4. Do you have a storm/hurricane/tornado/fire plan for your kids, house...?
No, we don't have a disaster plan for our family yet. We need to figure one out. Firecracker is old enough now to understand.
5. What is your favorite morning drink?
It depends on how exhausted I am. If I can barely hold my eyes open then I go for coke zero to give me a bit of a caffine jolt. If I wake up and am alert then I go for decaf, sweet, iced tea. I was raised on sweet tea growing up. I LOVE the stuff.
I hope you all have a great weekend =)
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
It's Friday!!! Yippee! Honestly, I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday. I couldn't figure out where the Hubs was. Then my alarm rang and reminded me it was Friday. Hahaha!
Alrighty, on with the 5 question fun!
1. Do you wake before the alarm or stay in bed until the last possible second?
Normally, I wait til the last possible second, however, this morning I woke up before the alarm. I enjoy my bed waaayyyyy too much to jump out before I need to ;).
2. Who should get a baby shower? Is it just the first baby or all babies?
Every baby is special. They all deserve to have their very own celebration. I know they don't know it, but the Mama does. It makes us feel special that so many people love our babies.
3. How will you spend Memorial day?
My baby brother, Ham, is flying in from ridiculously far away!! And he's bringing my nephew, A, with him!! =) I can't wait to smother A's face with kisses ;).
Anywho, the family is going to have a cook out and let all the kids run around like crazy people and play together. It should be a great time!
4. Do you have a storm/hurricane/tornado/fire plan for your kids, house...?
No, we don't have a disaster plan for our family yet. We need to figure one out. Firecracker is old enough now to understand.
5. What is your favorite morning drink?
It depends on how exhausted I am. If I can barely hold my eyes open then I go for coke zero to give me a bit of a caffine jolt. If I wake up and am alert then I go for decaf, sweet, iced tea. I was raised on sweet tea growing up. I LOVE the stuff.
I hope you all have a great weekend =)
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
A Question
I have a big question. You know lots of times people say cliche things and some of them get me to wondering. So, class, today's question is:
If discretion is the better part of valor what is the rest of it?
Doesn't that make you wonder now too?
If you have an answer leave a comment and let me know! =)
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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If discretion is the better part of valor what is the rest of it?
Doesn't that make you wonder now too?
If you have an answer leave a comment and let me know! =)
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Never Goes As Planned
Life never goes as planned. I'll give you a prime example. When I'm out taking pictures of other people's kids and I'm not really planning on taking any of my own, but snap a few here and there, I get pictures like this:
And then when I'm planning on taking actual pictures of my kids this is what they give me:
This is one of the better ones. Ugh! Oh well, we'll try again another day.
Have a great, unscripted day!
Ms. T
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gorgeous, right? |
This is one of the better ones. Ugh! Oh well, we'll try again another day.
Have a great, unscripted day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Birthday Girl
Good morning, Friends!
Today I'm skipping the regular 5 question Friday, because today is a very very special day. Today my baby girl turns 2! I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant with her. I'm not gonna lie, I miss the pregnant stage a little and the little tiny baby stage was sweet and precious, even if I was sleep deprived.
Sweet pea, Mommy and Daddy love you more than you can ever imagine. You are our baby girl and you bring so much light and love into our lives. We can't imagine one day without you in it, and we don't even want to try.
We love you, Sweet pea, and we hope you have the bestest birthday ever!
Mama and Daddy
And here is a picture of the beautiful, birthday girl!
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Today I'm skipping the regular 5 question Friday, because today is a very very special day. Today my baby girl turns 2! I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant with her. I'm not gonna lie, I miss the pregnant stage a little and the little tiny baby stage was sweet and precious, even if I was sleep deprived.
Sweet pea, Mommy and Daddy love you more than you can ever imagine. You are our baby girl and you bring so much light and love into our lives. We can't imagine one day without you in it, and we don't even want to try.
We love you, Sweet pea, and we hope you have the bestest birthday ever!
Mama and Daddy
And here is a picture of the beautiful, birthday girl!
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Thursday, May 16, 2013
Cooking Fail
The other day I was cooking dinner. I admit I am not a great cook. I cook, because my family needs to eat to survive. I do not cook because I am good at it. If I'm asked to bring some one a meal I will do so willingly. However, it will most likely be a meal I bought from the freezer section and heated up and put into one of my dishes. That's my life.
Anyway, I was cooking dinner the other night and accidentally burned the meat. I was frustrated, but did what I could to fix it. Then I managed to burn the stuffing too! Ugh. I was tempted to burn the corn just so we could have a theme dinner. I didn't though. I managed to keep from screwing up the corn. Yay me (total sarcasm). We didn't starve to death so my mission was accomplished, not well, but nonetheless it was accomplished.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Anyway, I was cooking dinner the other night and accidentally burned the meat. I was frustrated, but did what I could to fix it. Then I managed to burn the stuffing too! Ugh. I was tempted to burn the corn just so we could have a theme dinner. I didn't though. I managed to keep from screwing up the corn. Yay me (total sarcasm). We didn't starve to death so my mission was accomplished, not well, but nonetheless it was accomplished.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Random Picture
So remember the other day when I said I was distraught? While I was going through all my external hard drive looking for the Christmas pictures I came across some of the most adorable pictures of Firecracker when he was tiny. I just have to share some of them, because they're too good not to share ;).
Wasn't he such a sweet baby? Now he's a sweet 4 year old boy ;)
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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He's always been a happy camper =) |
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Only a few weeks old |
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Just after a bath |
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bath time! =) |
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First time swimming! |
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Beautiful Sight
Sunday, while the Hubs was at home tending to Sweet pea, he did laundry. I'm not talking a load or two. I'm talking every last bit of laundry that was in the house. When I thanked him for it he said "well, it was in your list" (check out the answer to # 4). He said, "I couldn't do anything about the other two, we don't have 10 mil. and the house being spotlessly clean is not gonna happen til the kids move out." Ahhh! *Swoon*. He's hunky, he reads my blog, and he does laundry! *Swoon* I don't deserve him!
I can see the bottom of every hamper in the house. I haven't seen that in months!! (I've done laundry, I just haven't had it all done at once in months). Oh it's a glorious, beautiful, wonderful sight!
Have I told you what a fantastic Hubs I have?! He's fabulous!!!
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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I can see the bottom of every hamper in the house. I haven't seen that in months!! (I've done laundry, I just haven't had it all done at once in months). Oh it's a glorious, beautiful, wonderful sight!
Have I told you what a fantastic Hubs I have?! He's fabulous!!!
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Yesterday morning was absolutely nuts. When Sweet pea woke up she had a fever so instead of going to church the Hubs stayed home with her. Firecracker and I went to church like normal.
Upon walking into the church Firecracker announces he has to go to the bathroom. However, he also begged not to go into the "girl" bathroom. He said, "I not a girl, Mom". He has been pretty good about going to the bathroom by himself so I agreed.
Firecracker had only been in the bathroom a few minutes and I heard him yell, "Mommy! I got pee on my underwear!" After recruiting a friend to stand outside the bathroom, I ran to the van to get his extra clothes (thank God I had the back pack with extra clothes!). I ended up having to change not only his underwear, but also his pants. (His pants only had a little pee, but it was enough to make him uncomfortable.)
All I had for him was basketball shorts. So he marched into Sunday school in a button up shirt, basketball shorts, black dress socks and black dress shoes. Normally I would have been slightly embarrassed, but would have gone about my day. However, yesterday the kids were going to play the bells in front of the whole church! I couldn't let Firecracker get up on stage in front of hundreds of people dressed like that.
I laid his pants out in his Sunday school room, his teacher is super understanding, and a long time friend. Anywho, so I went to my Sunday school class intending to come back after it was done and change Firecracker's pants. I came back after Sunday school and was informed that the kids had already gone into the auditorium!
I snatched up Firecracker's pants and ran to the auditorium. I came in and the woman in charge of the kids said, "you'd better change him fast, because they're going on stage in a few minutes." I grabbed Firecracker, went into a vacated hallway and changed his pants as quickly as possible.
As Firecracker and I hurried back into the auditorium, the kids were going on stage. He joined them and I sat down and video tapped the performance. All while trying to catch my breath.
All in all it was a great Mother's day, even if it started out a little nutty ;).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Upon walking into the church Firecracker announces he has to go to the bathroom. However, he also begged not to go into the "girl" bathroom. He said, "I not a girl, Mom". He has been pretty good about going to the bathroom by himself so I agreed.
Firecracker had only been in the bathroom a few minutes and I heard him yell, "Mommy! I got pee on my underwear!" After recruiting a friend to stand outside the bathroom, I ran to the van to get his extra clothes (thank God I had the back pack with extra clothes!). I ended up having to change not only his underwear, but also his pants. (His pants only had a little pee, but it was enough to make him uncomfortable.)
All I had for him was basketball shorts. So he marched into Sunday school in a button up shirt, basketball shorts, black dress socks and black dress shoes. Normally I would have been slightly embarrassed, but would have gone about my day. However, yesterday the kids were going to play the bells in front of the whole church! I couldn't let Firecracker get up on stage in front of hundreds of people dressed like that.
I laid his pants out in his Sunday school room, his teacher is super understanding, and a long time friend. Anywho, so I went to my Sunday school class intending to come back after it was done and change Firecracker's pants. I came back after Sunday school and was informed that the kids had already gone into the auditorium!
I snatched up Firecracker's pants and ran to the auditorium. I came in and the woman in charge of the kids said, "you'd better change him fast, because they're going on stage in a few minutes." I grabbed Firecracker, went into a vacated hallway and changed his pants as quickly as possible.
As Firecracker and I hurried back into the auditorium, the kids were going on stage. He joined them and I sat down and video tapped the performance. All while trying to catch my breath.
All in all it was a great Mother's day, even if it started out a little nutty ;).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, May 10, 2013
5 Question Friday
Alright, my peeps! It's Friday!!! Yippee!!!
Gotta love the weekend, when the Hubs will be home and we get family time.
Are you ready for some 5 question fun?! Here we go!
1. What's the one personal hygiene thing you will not do in front of your spouse?
Go to the bathroom. There is no reason for him to be in the room with me while I use the bathroom. I wish my kids would catch on to this too...
2. What's your favorite thing about a newborn?
Oh my goodness! I love newborn babies! They are so small, sweet, beautiful and they smell AMAZING!! I don't know what it is about newborn babies, but they have that "new baby smell" and there is no recreating it. There are so many things to love about newborns, and me not having one is one of the biggest things to love about them! I love on them and then give them back to their parents and think, "I'm going home and gonna sleep through the night tonight. Good luck!" But of course I don't say that out loud, cuz that would be rude! ;)
3. When is "too young" to have a Facebook account?
Well, the site itself says you should be at least 13 (or something, I don't know I was 22 when I got my first Facebook page, so I didn't worry about age limitations. I mean come on I was old enough to drink, I didn't need Face book to check my id.). However, I am not big into letting kids be on Facebook. There really isn't much good that comes of it. At first it's all kittens and butterflies, but then they start bullying each other, and being nasty and starting pages like "people that hate Suzie". I get that this kinda stuff happens everywhere, but if you can shield your kid from it in one forum why wouldn't you?
That being said, it's really up to the parents. My kids won't be having a Facebook account until I'm good and ready for that. And since Firecracker is 4 by the time he's old enough to have an account, Facebook probably won't even be relevant anymore.
4. What are you hoping for for Mother's Day?
a. 10 million dollars
b. My house to suddenly be spotless
c. All the laundry to be washed, dried, folded and put away miraculously, without my assistance.
What?! Why are you looking at me like I'm greedy? I say if you're gonna dream, dream big, baby!
5. What was the best field trip you ever took in school?
When I was in high school our class was given the chance to go to the State Capitol for the day. It was pretty cool. We got to see the Governor's mansion, and tour the State Senate. What can I say, I was a nerd. To be honest I still am.
Hope you all have a great weekend! And Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow Mamas!!
Ms. T
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Gotta love the weekend, when the Hubs will be home and we get family time.
Are you ready for some 5 question fun?! Here we go!
1. What's the one personal hygiene thing you will not do in front of your spouse?
Go to the bathroom. There is no reason for him to be in the room with me while I use the bathroom. I wish my kids would catch on to this too...
2. What's your favorite thing about a newborn?
Oh my goodness! I love newborn babies! They are so small, sweet, beautiful and they smell AMAZING!! I don't know what it is about newborn babies, but they have that "new baby smell" and there is no recreating it. There are so many things to love about newborns, and me not having one is one of the biggest things to love about them! I love on them and then give them back to their parents and think, "I'm going home and gonna sleep through the night tonight. Good luck!" But of course I don't say that out loud, cuz that would be rude! ;)
3. When is "too young" to have a Facebook account?
Well, the site itself says you should be at least 13 (or something, I don't know I was 22 when I got my first Facebook page, so I didn't worry about age limitations. I mean come on I was old enough to drink, I didn't need Face book to check my id.). However, I am not big into letting kids be on Facebook. There really isn't much good that comes of it. At first it's all kittens and butterflies, but then they start bullying each other, and being nasty and starting pages like "people that hate Suzie". I get that this kinda stuff happens everywhere, but if you can shield your kid from it in one forum why wouldn't you?
That being said, it's really up to the parents. My kids won't be having a Facebook account until I'm good and ready for that. And since Firecracker is 4 by the time he's old enough to have an account, Facebook probably won't even be relevant anymore.
4. What are you hoping for for Mother's Day?
a. 10 million dollars
b. My house to suddenly be spotless
c. All the laundry to be washed, dried, folded and put away miraculously, without my assistance.
What?! Why are you looking at me like I'm greedy? I say if you're gonna dream, dream big, baby!
5. What was the best field trip you ever took in school?
When I was in high school our class was given the chance to go to the State Capitol for the day. It was pretty cool. We got to see the Governor's mansion, and tour the State Senate. What can I say, I was a nerd. To be honest I still am.
Hope you all have a great weekend! And Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow Mamas!!
Ms. T
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Thursday, May 9, 2013
The other day I was going through the pictures on my external hard drive and discovered that my pictures from last Christmas are missing! I must have forgotten to down load them before the Hubs wiped my computer. =(
I've had this happen before, and therefore I've become super paranoid about it, so I try to back them up on my external hard drive as soon as I down load them onto my computer. Some how I missed last Christmas' pictures. =(
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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I've had this happen before, and therefore I've become super paranoid about it, so I try to back them up on my external hard drive as soon as I down load them onto my computer. Some how I missed last Christmas' pictures. =(
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The other day the Hubs and I were having a conversation about him "always" having to fill my van up with gas. (This is a constant joke with us. I do fill it occasionally, but the Hubs does end up putting gas in it often.) This is how the conversation went:
H: "Huh, look at that, the gas light is on while I'M driving."
M: "Oops! I meant to go to the gas station today, but it totally slipped my mind."
H: "Yeah, sure it did" (sarcasm, but not mean sarcasm, just joking around)
M: "Don't worry, we should still make it where we're going. The gauge says we have 15 miles til empty."
H: "I don't trust that. It'll say 10 miles til empty one minute and then a minute later it says 0 til empty."
M: "Oh, don't worry about that. It doesn't stop when it hits 0."
H:- No words, he just turned and looked at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen. I could read his mind though. And it was screaming "WHAT?!"
Gotta love keeping my man on his toes! Hahaha! Oh and by the way, my van really doesn't stop when it hits 0.... Not that I would know that from experience or anything......
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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H: "Huh, look at that, the gas light is on while I'M driving."
M: "Oops! I meant to go to the gas station today, but it totally slipped my mind."
H: "Yeah, sure it did" (sarcasm, but not mean sarcasm, just joking around)
M: "Don't worry, we should still make it where we're going. The gauge says we have 15 miles til empty."
H: "I don't trust that. It'll say 10 miles til empty one minute and then a minute later it says 0 til empty."
M: "Oh, don't worry about that. It doesn't stop when it hits 0."
H:- No words, he just turned and looked at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen. I could read his mind though. And it was screaming "WHAT?!"
Gotta love keeping my man on his toes! Hahaha! Oh and by the way, my van really doesn't stop when it hits 0.... Not that I would know that from experience or anything......
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Have you ever met some one that you just know is strong? (I'm not talking "pick up a car" strong, I'm talking "can handle anything you throw at them and make it look easy" strong.) These people just mystify me. I'll admit I'm more than a little jealous of their abilities. However, I realize that is a total double edged sword. Because people that are that strong are strong for a reason. In many cases they are strong for LOTS of reasons. And I don't want that many things thrown at me. Just as I'm sure they didn't want that stuff thrown at them, but they deal with it beautifully.
Anyway, I have a handful of these type of people in my life, and they never cease to amaze me. They are all completely different from each other, however, they all have their amazing strength in common. And more than once they have (separately, not together) helped me when I was too weak to do it on my own. They have shown me their love, their loyalty, their amazingness and best of all they have shown me their own weaknesses.
They have allowed me to help them when they needed it. And this trait is strength in and of itself. By allowing me to see this side of them, they are reaffirming to me that there is no "super woman". We are all flawed just in different ways.
The funny thing is I would conclude this post with something like: "My strong friends, you know who you are, I love you and I thank you." But none of them think of themselves as truly strong. At least not like I do. That too is one of their strengths, they are humble. So, gosh darnit, Friends, stop showing us all up!!!! Haha!
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Anyway, I have a handful of these type of people in my life, and they never cease to amaze me. They are all completely different from each other, however, they all have their amazing strength in common. And more than once they have (separately, not together) helped me when I was too weak to do it on my own. They have shown me their love, their loyalty, their amazingness and best of all they have shown me their own weaknesses.
They have allowed me to help them when they needed it. And this trait is strength in and of itself. By allowing me to see this side of them, they are reaffirming to me that there is no "super woman". We are all flawed just in different ways.
The funny thing is I would conclude this post with something like: "My strong friends, you know who you are, I love you and I thank you." But none of them think of themselves as truly strong. At least not like I do. That too is one of their strengths, they are humble. So, gosh darnit, Friends, stop showing us all up!!!! Haha!
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, May 6, 2013
3 am
3 am is far from my favorite time of the day to be awake. I love 3 am when I'm all snuggled up in my bed sound asleep. But I'm not so much a fan of 3 am when my baby girl wakes me up out of a dead sleep screaming like some one has cut her leg off. I jumped out of bed, literally sprinted to her room, opened the door and as soon as she saw me she just said, "potty, Mommy". She had peed in her diaper and this caused her great distress.
- Side note: I'm going to take a minute and say, "yay! she's getting the idea of potty training!"
Let's just say that after I took her potty (because apparently, she still had to pee.), changed her diaper and got her back in bed I was WIDE awake. I'm talking my body DID NOT want to sleep. My body was all like, "umm, Ms. T, sleeping ain't gonna happen right now. Cuz, you see you just had like a zillion jolts of adrenaline run through you, and you might as well have had 12 cups of coffee. Enjoy your night."
Around 5 am I fell back to sleep. Longest. two hours. ever.
I hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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- Side note: I'm going to take a minute and say, "yay! she's getting the idea of potty training!"
Let's just say that after I took her potty (because apparently, she still had to pee.), changed her diaper and got her back in bed I was WIDE awake. I'm talking my body DID NOT want to sleep. My body was all like, "umm, Ms. T, sleeping ain't gonna happen right now. Cuz, you see you just had like a zillion jolts of adrenaline run through you, and you might as well have had 12 cups of coffee. Enjoy your night."
Around 5 am I fell back to sleep. Longest. two hours. ever.
I hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, May 3, 2013
5 Question Friday
Good morning, Friends =). I'm not sure exactly what this weekend holds in store for us, but Firecracker has been asking to go garage saling ;). Yep, my 4 year old is hooked on garage saling. He's learning the art of the bargain already. Gotta love it! Ok, on with the 5 question fun!
1. What is your next home improvement goal?
Our next home improvement goal is to build the dining room in so that Sweet pea will have a room. Now, don't get me wrong, the kids sharing a room for a while is fine, but eventually them having their own rooms will be a necessity.
2. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? No religious texts (ie Bible, Quran etc..)
Hmmmm.... This is a hard one, because I love to read, but I also love to change it up. You know romance then change to something with more action. I guess though if I had to chose I'd go with Pride and Prejudice . It's such a classic! I just think Mr. Darcy is one of the most awesome guys in literature! Ahhhh, swoon...
3. What is on top of your refrigerator?
Ok, let's see, Some my coke rewards points that I still have to put into the web site, a picture of our house (yeah one of those old people ones where it's framed and everything. I'm not entirely sure why we have it.) and I'm sure there is more random junk up there, but see I'm too short to see it. So it's safe from my random urges to purge the junk from our home. However, now that you mention it, I may just have to stand on a stool and clean that off too!
4. What are your favorite or most used phone apps?
You see, I have a dumb phone. All my phone does is make calls and texts. So I don't have a favorite or most used phone app. I have thought about getting a smart phone, but 1. they cost more because of having to get the data plan, 2. they break more easily, and that's no good for me, I need something that is "strong like bull". 3. I know that once I have one it'll be much more difficult to NOT have one later on if we decide to down grade or something. And now you know my not so deep, not so dark secret.
5. What is the one thing you hate most about your spouse's job?
I used to not hate anything about the Hub's job. It has great hours, decent pay and they treated him well most of the time (aside from the occasional weekend project). Now, however, things have changed. Things at the office have become rather stressful. There are some big changes in the works, and they are laying people off and cutting everyone's pay. The poor Hubs is coming home very stressed out, and that's just not his personality. I'm praying for him that things get better soon. I hate seeing him this way.
Alrighty, friends, I hope you have a great weekend!
Ms. T
4. What are your favorite or most used phone apps?
5. What's the one thing you hate most about your spouses job?
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1. What is your next home improvement goal?
Our next home improvement goal is to build the dining room in so that Sweet pea will have a room. Now, don't get me wrong, the kids sharing a room for a while is fine, but eventually them having their own rooms will be a necessity.
2. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? No religious texts (ie Bible, Quran etc..)
Hmmmm.... This is a hard one, because I love to read, but I also love to change it up. You know romance then change to something with more action. I guess though if I had to chose I'd go with Pride and Prejudice . It's such a classic! I just think Mr. Darcy is one of the most awesome guys in literature! Ahhhh, swoon...
3. What is on top of your refrigerator?
Ok, let's see, Some my coke rewards points that I still have to put into the web site, a picture of our house (yeah one of those old people ones where it's framed and everything. I'm not entirely sure why we have it.) and I'm sure there is more random junk up there, but see I'm too short to see it. So it's safe from my random urges to purge the junk from our home. However, now that you mention it, I may just have to stand on a stool and clean that off too!
4. What are your favorite or most used phone apps?
You see, I have a dumb phone. All my phone does is make calls and texts. So I don't have a favorite or most used phone app. I have thought about getting a smart phone, but 1. they cost more because of having to get the data plan, 2. they break more easily, and that's no good for me, I need something that is "strong like bull". 3. I know that once I have one it'll be much more difficult to NOT have one later on if we decide to down grade or something. And now you know my not so deep, not so dark secret.
5. What is the one thing you hate most about your spouse's job?
I used to not hate anything about the Hub's job. It has great hours, decent pay and they treated him well most of the time (aside from the occasional weekend project). Now, however, things have changed. Things at the office have become rather stressful. There are some big changes in the works, and they are laying people off and cutting everyone's pay. The poor Hubs is coming home very stressed out, and that's just not his personality. I'm praying for him that things get better soon. I hate seeing him this way.
Alrighty, friends, I hope you have a great weekend!
Ms. T
4. What are your favorite or most used phone apps?
5. What's the one thing you hate most about your spouses job?
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Thursday, May 2, 2013
Magic Words
*Back story- Recently, Firecracker has really been into Frosty the Snowman. Yes, I know that it's May. Yes, I know it's not the season for "snow man" movies. But hey, who cares right? Not me!
Ok, so since Firecracker has been watching Frosty the Snowman lately, he thinks it's funny to try to do "magic tricks" with his hat. You know, trying to pull things out of his hat etc. In order to do this he has to PUT things into his hat (and it's usually a baseball cap) and then he wears it and of course it makes a bulge in the top of the hat. Really it's all too cute. Oh goodness I've gone off on a rabbit trail..... Sorry!
Alright, point of the story... We were driving home from church last night and Firecracker was pretending to do magic tricks. He said, "Mommy, you have to say the magic words." I said, "abrakadabra!" (after all that is what the magician on Frosty says. And pretty much every other magician). Firecracker responded with a look that basically said, "you're so silly!" And he said, "no, Mommy, those aren't the MAGIC words! Say the MAGIC words!"
Taking my cue, I said, "please". And voila! A little car appeared out of Firecracker's hat =).
The little things are truly what make this Mama smile the biggest!
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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Ok, so since Firecracker has been watching Frosty the Snowman lately, he thinks it's funny to try to do "magic tricks" with his hat. You know, trying to pull things out of his hat etc. In order to do this he has to PUT things into his hat (and it's usually a baseball cap) and then he wears it and of course it makes a bulge in the top of the hat. Really it's all too cute. Oh goodness I've gone off on a rabbit trail..... Sorry!
Alright, point of the story... We were driving home from church last night and Firecracker was pretending to do magic tricks. He said, "Mommy, you have to say the magic words." I said, "abrakadabra!" (after all that is what the magician on Frosty says. And pretty much every other magician). Firecracker responded with a look that basically said, "you're so silly!" And he said, "no, Mommy, those aren't the MAGIC words! Say the MAGIC words!"
Taking my cue, I said, "please". And voila! A little car appeared out of Firecracker's hat =).
The little things are truly what make this Mama smile the biggest!
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Dear Bag Boys
Dear Bag Boys at the super market,
Please, Please, PLEASE, stop putting my produce into the bags with canned goods!! My children are picky and won't eat produce that is banged up.
Thank you,
Ms. T
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Please, Please, PLEASE, stop putting my produce into the bags with canned goods!! My children are picky and won't eat produce that is banged up.
Thank you,
Ms. T
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