Thursday, August 9, 2012

Comments from the Backseat

The Boy was bustin' out the robot on Easter.

Sometimes my children just make me giggle with the things that I hear drifting from the backseat of the car.  They are pretty funny kids and their comments just remind me of what it was like to be a kid and not have the current stresses that I have.  A few examples of recent conversations are below:

Little Miss: "Now, Bubba, get your Beyblades and bow down to me! I said get                            your Beyblades and bow down to me!!!"

Just the other morning, on our way to summer camp I heard the following:

The Boy:  "Little Miss, would you ever want to go to China?"
Little Miss: "No way!  I don't want to have to eat grasshoppers!"

And this one was on the way home from church on Sunday:

The Boy: "Little Miss, you should eat some cat food.  I bet it's good."
Little Miss: "Bubby, I can't eat cat food. God didn't make me a cat, He made me a people, so I have to eat person-food!"

May I encourage you to turn down the radio, listen to those little voices in the backseat, and find a giggle or two of your own.  Unless you don't have kids, and then those voices are probably in your head and you need professional help.  Have a great day!

Ms. L

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