Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dirty Toes

 When I was growing up, I always dreamed of having a little girl.  Well, four years ago that dream came true. The Little Miss has been such a blessing to our family.  She is a princess.  She thinks she is the boss.  She is prissy but definitely not afraid to get dirty.  Back a couple of months ago, we were preparing for our first horse show (more on that later), and she had been outside almost all day.  At some point, she had lost her shoes.  This picture sums up the Little Miss so well.

This is actually one of my favorite images to look at right now.  It reminds me of the mom that I want to be.  It is not normal for me to see past the fact that she was sweaty, absolutely filthy, and was rolling all over my clean now-needing-to-be-washed bed.  But on this day, all I saw were baby toes, with chipped pink polish, caked in dirt and the huge smile that was on her face.  

Whoever knew that dirty toes could stop a mama in her tracks?

Have a great day!

Ms. L

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