If I were forced to write a list of things I never thought I'd say, "This pudding cup just cut me!" Would totally be in the top ten. Just sayin'. Not sure what the other 9 would be right off the top of my head, but that one would definitely be in the top 10.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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One crazy girl blogging about kids, creativity and the chaos I call life.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
5 Question Friday
Good morning friends! This is going to be another busy busy weekend, but it should be fun =).
Here we go with the 5 question Friday fun!
1. Who drives when your family is together, you or your spouse?
When we are driving all together the Hubs drives. If I happen to open the driver's side door for any reason Firecracker says, "No, Mom! Daddy drives!!" Haha!
2. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I am most definitely an introvert. It's not that I don't like people, or anything I just enjoy being home and hanging with my family. And I don't mind hanging out quietly.
3. Are you married to an introvert or extrovert?
Oh my goodness. The Hubs is most definitely an extrovert. I've joked with him that he could make even a wall have a long conversation. Let me give you an example. We stopped at a convenient store for a drink and he ran inside while I stayed in the car with the kids. I kid you not 15 minutes later he finally came out. He had made friends with the clerk and they were just chatting!!! Who does that? The Hubs that's who. It's actually one of the things I love most about him. =)
4. What's your favorite type of social media?
I would have to go with facebook. Although I don't really get on it all that much any more. I used to be a facebook junkie, but not so much any more. I don't do twitter or tumblr or any of the others I might have no idea exist.
5. What's your favorite way to "recharge"?
I love to hole up with a good book. Oh or take a nice long nap. Or even better be reading a book and drift off into a nap. Yep, I'm not complicated ;).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Here we go with the 5 question Friday fun!
1. Who drives when your family is together, you or your spouse?
When we are driving all together the Hubs drives. If I happen to open the driver's side door for any reason Firecracker says, "No, Mom! Daddy drives!!" Haha!
2. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I am most definitely an introvert. It's not that I don't like people, or anything I just enjoy being home and hanging with my family. And I don't mind hanging out quietly.
3. Are you married to an introvert or extrovert?
Oh my goodness. The Hubs is most definitely an extrovert. I've joked with him that he could make even a wall have a long conversation. Let me give you an example. We stopped at a convenient store for a drink and he ran inside while I stayed in the car with the kids. I kid you not 15 minutes later he finally came out. He had made friends with the clerk and they were just chatting!!! Who does that? The Hubs that's who. It's actually one of the things I love most about him. =)
4. What's your favorite type of social media?
I would have to go with facebook. Although I don't really get on it all that much any more. I used to be a facebook junkie, but not so much any more. I don't do twitter or tumblr or any of the others I might have no idea exist.
5. What's your favorite way to "recharge"?
I love to hole up with a good book. Oh or take a nice long nap. Or even better be reading a book and drift off into a nap. Yep, I'm not complicated ;).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
No, this is not a post about me actually running. I'm not a runner. I tried to be once, but I gave up at the end of the drive way.
Ok, do you ever feel like you are just treading water? You have a zillion tasks to get done and you can do only 3 million in a day. Which is a pretty good thing considering you have children to take care of (at least 2 on some days 4 depending on if you're caring for neices and or nephews for one reason or another. Which by the way I love, so this one is a non negotiable.). However, by the end of the day 250 million of those things you got accomplished are things that have to be done again the next day.
It's like life is laughing at me. Oh well, at least I'm in on the joke! And if it doesn't all get done it will be ok. My babies will know they are more important than stuff.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Ok, do you ever feel like you are just treading water? You have a zillion tasks to get done and you can do only 3 million in a day. Which is a pretty good thing considering you have children to take care of (at least 2 on some days 4 depending on if you're caring for neices and or nephews for one reason or another. Which by the way I love, so this one is a non negotiable.). However, by the end of the day 250 million of those things you got accomplished are things that have to be done again the next day.
It's like life is laughing at me. Oh well, at least I'm in on the joke! And if it doesn't all get done it will be ok. My babies will know they are more important than stuff.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Yesterday Sweet pea pooped in the potty for the very first time!!!!!! I was sooooo thrilled!!! Especially since we haven't really started potty training yet.
She will tell us she has to go potty, but it's never consistent, and we haven't tried to start the tedious process of taking her to the potty every 20 minutes.
Anyway, I was in my room yesterday and Sweet pea came to me and said she had to go potty. I told her to go sit on the little potty. I didn't think much about it, because she does this several times a day. Pretty much whenever she feels like she wants candy she'll go sit on the little potty training potty and pee a little and then want candy. And yes, I do give her candy at that point, because it's all moving toward the eventual goal. When I came out of my room she was clapping and pointing to the little potty. When I looked in it she had pooped!!! I was ecstatic!!!! I jumped up and down, cheered, sang the "poopie in the potty" song (yes, we have a song for that, don't judge. Anything to encourage them to go on the potty.) and then I gave her several m&m's. Then I proceeded to call several family members and inform them of how proud I was of my daughter. Yep, I'm an easy person to please..... Most of the time ;)
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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She will tell us she has to go potty, but it's never consistent, and we haven't tried to start the tedious process of taking her to the potty every 20 minutes.
Anyway, I was in my room yesterday and Sweet pea came to me and said she had to go potty. I told her to go sit on the little potty. I didn't think much about it, because she does this several times a day. Pretty much whenever she feels like she wants candy she'll go sit on the little potty training potty and pee a little and then want candy. And yes, I do give her candy at that point, because it's all moving toward the eventual goal. When I came out of my room she was clapping and pointing to the little potty. When I looked in it she had pooped!!! I was ecstatic!!!! I jumped up and down, cheered, sang the "poopie in the potty" song (yes, we have a song for that, don't judge. Anything to encourage them to go on the potty.) and then I gave her several m&m's. Then I proceeded to call several family members and inform them of how proud I was of my daughter. Yep, I'm an easy person to please..... Most of the time ;)
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
I have had to wear glasses or contacts since I was about 12 years old. I have awful vision. Anywho, around the age of 16 or so I got contacts. I loved them and wore them consistently up until I was prego with Firecracker. One of the possible side effects of pregnancy is dry eyes. And I got that and it made wearing contacts uncomfortable.
I started wearing my glasses daily. And then after having Firecracker I was so exhausted all the time that I didn't want to bother with contacts. Then my contacts became out of date. Well, yesterday I went to the eye doctor and finally got some new contacts!!!
Poor Firecracker is so confused. He keeps asking where my glasses are. He doesn't understand why I don't have them on. It's just like any other change. It's hard to digest, but he'll get used to it. =)
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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I started wearing my glasses daily. And then after having Firecracker I was so exhausted all the time that I didn't want to bother with contacts. Then my contacts became out of date. Well, yesterday I went to the eye doctor and finally got some new contacts!!!
Poor Firecracker is so confused. He keeps asking where my glasses are. He doesn't understand why I don't have them on. It's just like any other change. It's hard to digest, but he'll get used to it. =)
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, April 22, 2013
If you've followed my blog for very long, you know that I struggle with depression.I've pretty much come to terms with this disease, (thanks to my Doctors and my crazy medications) but there are days that it still kicks my booty. The other day I had one of those days.
Have you ever realized that you make 1,000s of decisions a day? Most of them are mundane, but you still have to make them. For instance, you pick what to wear that morning, what your children will wear, what chores around the house need to be done, which path to take to the store etc. Like I said these decisions are mundane, and most of us do them with out even thinking twice.
However, when I'm in the depression hole, I struggle to make these kinds of decisions. And by the end of the day I feel so wiped out trying to decide anything and I do mean ANYTHING feels like the hardest task in the world.
This is when my wonderful, heaven sent Hubs steps in and says, "Honey, I don't mind picking up some Taco Bell for dinner." Talk about a life saver! I know making dinner is a small thing most of the time, but when I feel like I'm going under someone taking this off of my shoulders makes me feel about 20 lbs lighter. God, bless this man for his understanding!
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Have you ever realized that you make 1,000s of decisions a day? Most of them are mundane, but you still have to make them. For instance, you pick what to wear that morning, what your children will wear, what chores around the house need to be done, which path to take to the store etc. Like I said these decisions are mundane, and most of us do them with out even thinking twice.
However, when I'm in the depression hole, I struggle to make these kinds of decisions. And by the end of the day I feel so wiped out trying to decide anything and I do mean ANYTHING feels like the hardest task in the world.
This is when my wonderful, heaven sent Hubs steps in and says, "Honey, I don't mind picking up some Taco Bell for dinner." Talk about a life saver! I know making dinner is a small thing most of the time, but when I feel like I'm going under someone taking this off of my shoulders makes me feel about 20 lbs lighter. God, bless this man for his understanding!
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, April 19, 2013
I have found that there are a few facts in life (notice I said facts IN life, not facts OF life. That would be a whole different thing... just sayin') that are universally true.
1. Drinks always taste better from other people's cups (example: the Hubs leaves his glass of tea on the counter and I happen to drink it. It ALWAYS tastes better than me making one for myself ;)
2. Children will always want what the other kid has. No matter how many cool toys they have of their own, they want that other toy. (I'm not suggesting here that kids will act horribly, because they don't get the toy. I'm just sayin' it happens. Heck, we as full grown adults do it often as well.)
3. Mothers put more food on their child's plate than they expect them to eat. We do this for 2 reasons: 1. We hope they will actually eat it. 2. We expect there to be negotiations. Ie. Child: "Mom, I don't want to eat this." Mom: "You don't have to eat it all, just take 3 bites." Yep, we're a sneaky lot we are ;). And yes, I'm posting this boldly, because my children cannot read yet, and therefore my secret will still be safe. And if any of you tell them I'll hunt you down!! ;)
4. Kids in the back seat will always fight. You see when I was a kid we had cars, not vans. And there were 6 of us in the family. Which meant 3 in the front seat and 3 in the back seat. Yes, that was a tight fit. Now imagine that on a 24 hour road trip. NOT COMFY. However, I have fond memories of these trips even though we were crammed in like sardines.
All that to say that I always thought that if we had been spaced out a little more we would have fought less. However, having witnessed other people's children and my own now in larger vehicles, I'm convinced kids in the back seat will always find something to fight about. Even if the fight isn't over who's crossing the "invisible line".
Feel free to comment and let me know any facts that I might have forgotten ;). I know there have to be more.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Ms. T
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1. Drinks always taste better from other people's cups (example: the Hubs leaves his glass of tea on the counter and I happen to drink it. It ALWAYS tastes better than me making one for myself ;)
2. Children will always want what the other kid has. No matter how many cool toys they have of their own, they want that other toy. (I'm not suggesting here that kids will act horribly, because they don't get the toy. I'm just sayin' it happens. Heck, we as full grown adults do it often as well.)
3. Mothers put more food on their child's plate than they expect them to eat. We do this for 2 reasons: 1. We hope they will actually eat it. 2. We expect there to be negotiations. Ie. Child: "Mom, I don't want to eat this." Mom: "You don't have to eat it all, just take 3 bites." Yep, we're a sneaky lot we are ;). And yes, I'm posting this boldly, because my children cannot read yet, and therefore my secret will still be safe. And if any of you tell them I'll hunt you down!! ;)
4. Kids in the back seat will always fight. You see when I was a kid we had cars, not vans. And there were 6 of us in the family. Which meant 3 in the front seat and 3 in the back seat. Yes, that was a tight fit. Now imagine that on a 24 hour road trip. NOT COMFY. However, I have fond memories of these trips even though we were crammed in like sardines.
All that to say that I always thought that if we had been spaced out a little more we would have fought less. However, having witnessed other people's children and my own now in larger vehicles, I'm convinced kids in the back seat will always find something to fight about. Even if the fight isn't over who's crossing the "invisible line".
Feel free to comment and let me know any facts that I might have forgotten ;). I know there have to be more.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Ms. T
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
Neighbors. We all have them. Some of us are blessed to have good neighbors, others, well to those of you that don't have good neighbors I'm sorry for you, and don't read this post. Skip it and come back tomorrow.
The Hubs and I have been truly blessed with great neighbors. On one side we have a sweet couple that comes out and chats with us several times a week. On the other side we have an older couple that are snow birds and they too (when they're down) make a practice of chatting with us whenever we see them. And across the street we have a little old lady that is as sweet as pie. She brings the Firecracker happy meal toys. And volunteers to watch the munchkins whenever I may need.
Our house sometimes feels a bit tight (it's only 2 bedroom) and we've toyed with the idea of moving, but honestly we know we'd never be able to get such great neighbors ever again. That alone makes us never ever want to move.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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The Hubs and I have been truly blessed with great neighbors. On one side we have a sweet couple that comes out and chats with us several times a week. On the other side we have an older couple that are snow birds and they too (when they're down) make a practice of chatting with us whenever we see them. And across the street we have a little old lady that is as sweet as pie. She brings the Firecracker happy meal toys. And volunteers to watch the munchkins whenever I may need.
Our house sometimes feels a bit tight (it's only 2 bedroom) and we've toyed with the idea of moving, but honestly we know we'd never be able to get such great neighbors ever again. That alone makes us never ever want to move.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
What Happens When....
What happens when your toddler goes into the kitchen and is quiet for about 5 minutes before you come in and check on them?

You see they open the kitchen junk drawer, find a pen, take the cap off and proceed to color on the front of the drawer.....
Thank you for asking.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Slipping and Sliding
I had a first this weekend. I played on a slip and slide! Ok, so technically I bought the slip and slide for Firecracker (got it brand new in the box for 3.00 at a yard sale! =). I had to make sure it was safe though *wink wink*.
Honestly, Firecracker is one of the biggest chickens I've ever seen. (He comes by it honestly, because I'm a big ol' chicken too). So I knew I needed to test it out and be able to show him how to do it and that it's fun.
I'd never done a slip and slide, because 1. we never had one when I was a kid. 2. even if we had had one I probably would have chickened out of it, because who wants to fall face first onto the ground? Umm not me, that's who. So like I said, Firecracker comes by his yellow belly honestly.
Well, I rolled that sucker out, hooked it up, gathered up all my chickenly courage I could muster. I took a running start and splashed! Oh my goodness!!!! I had so much fun! Of course then I let Firecracker come and watch me (no, I didn't let him watch me the first time, because if I had gotten hurt, or something had gone wrong he NEVER would have gone anywhere near it. So the first run was a trial run, and he wasn't allowed to watch. See, because we are both chicken livers I know how his little mind works and I do all I can to allay those fears before they even come into existence. I want him to be braver than me.).
As predicted, Firecracker was slightly nervous about the whole slip and slide thing, but by the end of the afternoon he was coming close to actually doing it right all by himself! Most of the time we were pulling him down it. He loved it! He would giggle and giggle and then ask us to do it again. =). I see many more slip and sliding afternoons in our future this summer =).
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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Honestly, Firecracker is one of the biggest chickens I've ever seen. (He comes by it honestly, because I'm a big ol' chicken too). So I knew I needed to test it out and be able to show him how to do it and that it's fun.
I'd never done a slip and slide, because 1. we never had one when I was a kid. 2. even if we had had one I probably would have chickened out of it, because who wants to fall face first onto the ground? Umm not me, that's who. So like I said, Firecracker comes by his yellow belly honestly.
Well, I rolled that sucker out, hooked it up, gathered up all my chickenly courage I could muster. I took a running start and splashed! Oh my goodness!!!! I had so much fun! Of course then I let Firecracker come and watch me (no, I didn't let him watch me the first time, because if I had gotten hurt, or something had gone wrong he NEVER would have gone anywhere near it. So the first run was a trial run, and he wasn't allowed to watch. See, because we are both chicken livers I know how his little mind works and I do all I can to allay those fears before they even come into existence. I want him to be braver than me.).
As predicted, Firecracker was slightly nervous about the whole slip and slide thing, but by the end of the afternoon he was coming close to actually doing it right all by himself! Most of the time we were pulling him down it. He loved it! He would giggle and giggle and then ask us to do it again. =). I see many more slip and sliding afternoons in our future this summer =).
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Good morning, Friends =). It's going to be a good day. I can feel it.
Here we go with the 5 question Friday fun!
1. Where do you hide things from your kids?
I hide most of the things I'm keeping from them in our closet. However, food stuff I hide in the back of the pantry in the kitchen.
2. What is your favorite rainy day activity for bored toddlers?
I love to have them play a "game". I tell them to jump and count to 10 and then they have to run across the living room and whatever else I can think of that will burn off some of that endless energy. They love it. They giggle and laugh and ask for more. Plus, it's cute to watch them try and do things when their little bodies aren't quite coordinated.
3. Are you a punctual person or are you always running a few minutes late?
B-C (before children) I was always early. My Daddy always taught us that 10 minutes early is the latest you should ever be. However, now that I have 2 adorable kiddos slowing me down I'm almost always about 10 to 15 minutes late. It's frustrating, because I know I'm running behind, but trying to get the kids dressed, out the door and into the van is like trying to hurry along a turtle that is "running" through molasses. It AIN'T happening.
4. When eating out, do you prefer off the beaten path "Mom and Pop" cafes or tried and true national food chains?
I love to try new things. It's in my nature. My Mama always looks at me like I've got 2 heads, because she is a "stick with what you know you like, because you're paying for this" kinda girl. And I totally get that reasoning, but I think along these lines, "I've never had ______ and I'm not going to be making it at home, so I'm going to try it and see if I like it."
I do enjoy trying out Mom and Pop shops. I love to stimulate their business with my few dollars, and I enjoy trying something new. However, if we are traveling we stick to the food chains. It just makes life easier. We know what we are in for, and we can get the kids something we know they'll eat.
5. Does your significant other snore? Do you snore?
The Hubs does snore, but it's not the whole, "oh my goodness, there is a lawn mower in our bed room" kind of snore. It is a very soft snore. And I love it. On nights when he's had to be out of the house for one reason or another I find myself lying awake, because I don't hear him snoring.
I don't know if I snore. The Hubs is an extremely sound sleeper, and he tells me he doesn't think I snore, but he's not sure. Hahaha!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Here we go with the 5 question Friday fun!
1. Where do you hide things from your kids?
I hide most of the things I'm keeping from them in our closet. However, food stuff I hide in the back of the pantry in the kitchen.
2. What is your favorite rainy day activity for bored toddlers?
I love to have them play a "game". I tell them to jump and count to 10 and then they have to run across the living room and whatever else I can think of that will burn off some of that endless energy. They love it. They giggle and laugh and ask for more. Plus, it's cute to watch them try and do things when their little bodies aren't quite coordinated.
3. Are you a punctual person or are you always running a few minutes late?
B-C (before children) I was always early. My Daddy always taught us that 10 minutes early is the latest you should ever be. However, now that I have 2 adorable kiddos slowing me down I'm almost always about 10 to 15 minutes late. It's frustrating, because I know I'm running behind, but trying to get the kids dressed, out the door and into the van is like trying to hurry along a turtle that is "running" through molasses. It AIN'T happening.
4. When eating out, do you prefer off the beaten path "Mom and Pop" cafes or tried and true national food chains?
I love to try new things. It's in my nature. My Mama always looks at me like I've got 2 heads, because she is a "stick with what you know you like, because you're paying for this" kinda girl. And I totally get that reasoning, but I think along these lines, "I've never had ______ and I'm not going to be making it at home, so I'm going to try it and see if I like it."
I do enjoy trying out Mom and Pop shops. I love to stimulate their business with my few dollars, and I enjoy trying something new. However, if we are traveling we stick to the food chains. It just makes life easier. We know what we are in for, and we can get the kids something we know they'll eat.
5. Does your significant other snore? Do you snore?
The Hubs does snore, but it's not the whole, "oh my goodness, there is a lawn mower in our bed room" kind of snore. It is a very soft snore. And I love it. On nights when he's had to be out of the house for one reason or another I find myself lying awake, because I don't hear him snoring.
I don't know if I snore. The Hubs is an extremely sound sleeper, and he tells me he doesn't think I snore, but he's not sure. Hahaha!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
You ever have one of those days where you cannot verbalize what's in your head? Or come up with a coherent thought to save your life? You know those kind of days where you are set on auto pilot and you thank God at bed time that you were able to remember to put pants on, let alone feed your children?
Today is one of those days. So I've got nothing.... sorry!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Today is one of those days. So I've got nothing.... sorry!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
This week I reached a pretty awesome goal. I am not sure it was technically even a goal until about 2 months ago.... Ok, I'm going to give the back story.
A few months ago the Hubs was curious as to how many books I'd read on my kindle so far. I can't remember the exact number, but it was probably some where in the high 70s low 80s region. He looked impressed and then whipped out with, "well, you've got a couple of months to hit the 100 mark before you've had the kindle for a year. I'm expecting you to get our money's worth out of it!"
Now, the Hubs was joking of course. However, it did make me wonder if I would be able to get 100 books in before the year was up. Guess what? I did it! It seems so crazy to me even reading this on the screen, but it's true.
I love my kindle!!! Oh and of course I love the Hubs and the kiddos that gave me the kindle for Mother's day last year =).
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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A few months ago the Hubs was curious as to how many books I'd read on my kindle so far. I can't remember the exact number, but it was probably some where in the high 70s low 80s region. He looked impressed and then whipped out with, "well, you've got a couple of months to hit the 100 mark before you've had the kindle for a year. I'm expecting you to get our money's worth out of it!"
Now, the Hubs was joking of course. However, it did make me wonder if I would be able to get 100 books in before the year was up. Guess what? I did it! It seems so crazy to me even reading this on the screen, but it's true.
I love my kindle!!! Oh and of course I love the Hubs and the kiddos that gave me the kindle for Mother's day last year =).
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Bunk Beds
The Hubs and I have been talking about getting bunk beds for Firecracker's room for quite some time. We have been scouring sales and cragslist trying to find the best deal we could (we wanted some with steps rather than a ladder).
We finally found some that we felt were a good deal, and the Hubs went and picked them up. All day long (yesterday), Firecracker and I would talk about his new bunk beds that were coming. He insisted he didn't like bunk beds. He said he'd rather sleep in the kitchen. (maybe to make the midnight snacking thing easier?! I don't know where this kid gets this stuff! =)
Finally, the Hubs got home with the bed and got it all set up. When Firecracker went into his room he was so excited! He was like, "wow, Mommy! I told you these would be awesome!"
WHAT?! Ok, kid, whatever you say......
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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We finally found some that we felt were a good deal, and the Hubs went and picked them up. All day long (yesterday), Firecracker and I would talk about his new bunk beds that were coming. He insisted he didn't like bunk beds. He said he'd rather sleep in the kitchen. (maybe to make the midnight snacking thing easier?! I don't know where this kid gets this stuff! =)
Finally, the Hubs got home with the bed and got it all set up. When Firecracker went into his room he was so excited! He was like, "wow, Mommy! I told you these would be awesome!"
WHAT?! Ok, kid, whatever you say......
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Moving the Couch
I decided our carpet in the living room was ready for a cleaning. So my sis in law, Mrs. Big Guy, said I could borrow her carpet cleaner. I had the kids help me pick up all the toys and I moved the toy boxes, end tables etc. Once all those things were taken care of I moved the couch back (just a bit, I wasn't interested in moving all the furniture out for this, I just wanted to get the high traffic areas). Oh my word!!! There was so much stuff under there!
Our couch is not even an inch off the ground so I didn't expect to find so much under there. There were cheerios, toys, books even a few things that didn't even belong to us! I was shocked. Apparently, I need to move the couch out more often and find all our "treasures".....
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Our couch is not even an inch off the ground so I didn't expect to find so much under there. There were cheerios, toys, books even a few things that didn't even belong to us! I was shocked. Apparently, I need to move the couch out more often and find all our "treasures".....
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, April 5, 2013
5 Question Friday
Good Morning, Friends! I-yi-yi this has been a long week. It's been a good one, but I'm exhausted! Not much rest for this chicka this weekend though. 2 birthday parties and grocery shopping and of course church. It'll all be good, but not much time to chill out in there ya know?
On with the fun! I know you all are dying to find out what my crazy brain will say to these questions so let's find out!
1. Would you go to your high school reunion?
Yes, I totally would. I enjoyed all the people I graduated with. (and yes, I can say that for certain considering there were only 7 in my graduating class. No, you didn't read that wrong and no, I didn't forget to add a number. I went to a VERY small Christian school, so everybody knew everybody. And the majority of us got along.)
2. What's something that you've recently splurged on; either for yourself or someone else?
Is putting a hit out on someone considered splurging on them? =) Just kidding! Where would I get that kind of cash?! Hahaha!
Ok, my real answer: it's definitely for some one else. In this case it's bunk beds for the kiddos. For at least a little while Firecracker and Sweet pea are going to have to share a room and the best way to make the space work is bunk beds.
3. How do you handle your child's fever?
Oh, don't you know? My children NEVER get sick. Insert sarcastic font here. I monitor the kiddo very closely and use children's tylenol "as directed" hahaha!
4. What's the nicest thing to happen to you lately?
Firecracker was playing the other day and he was running in a different direction, but he hollered back over his shoulder, "Mom, I love you!" For no reason. Moments like that make my heart melt =).
5. What's your current favorite song?
I'd have to go with "I am Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave. This song is so perfect! It talks about how Christ has set us free and we can shake off our heavy chains and He wipes away every stain. Who doesn't want to hear about that?! And in case you want to hear it for yourself here it is!
What a great way to start off the weekend! Hope you have a good one!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
On with the fun! I know you all are dying to find out what my crazy brain will say to these questions so let's find out!
1. Would you go to your high school reunion?
Yes, I totally would. I enjoyed all the people I graduated with. (and yes, I can say that for certain considering there were only 7 in my graduating class. No, you didn't read that wrong and no, I didn't forget to add a number. I went to a VERY small Christian school, so everybody knew everybody. And the majority of us got along.)
2. What's something that you've recently splurged on; either for yourself or someone else?
Is putting a hit out on someone considered splurging on them? =) Just kidding! Where would I get that kind of cash?! Hahaha!
Ok, my real answer: it's definitely for some one else. In this case it's bunk beds for the kiddos. For at least a little while Firecracker and Sweet pea are going to have to share a room and the best way to make the space work is bunk beds.
3. How do you handle your child's fever?
Oh, don't you know? My children NEVER get sick. Insert sarcastic font here. I monitor the kiddo very closely and use children's tylenol "as directed" hahaha!
4. What's the nicest thing to happen to you lately?
Firecracker was playing the other day and he was running in a different direction, but he hollered back over his shoulder, "Mom, I love you!" For no reason. Moments like that make my heart melt =).
5. What's your current favorite song?
I'd have to go with "I am Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave. This song is so perfect! It talks about how Christ has set us free and we can shake off our heavy chains and He wipes away every stain. Who doesn't want to hear about that?! And in case you want to hear it for yourself here it is!
What a great way to start off the weekend! Hope you have a good one!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
You Might Be a Couponer If...
You might be a couponer if:
1. Your 4 year old can tell other people, "we don't buy things unless they're on sale."
2. You KNOW you have a coupon for something, but can't find it while you're at the store, so you bypass buying that item.
3. You haven't gone to the store in a week and a half, but no one would know it if they looked in your cupboards.
4. You open your last 6 pack of paper towels and think, "hmm I'm almost out, I need to be watching for sales."
5. You have ever taken your coupons on vacation with you.
I know there are more, but these are a few that jumped out of my head and onto the key board.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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1. Your 4 year old can tell other people, "we don't buy things unless they're on sale."
2. You KNOW you have a coupon for something, but can't find it while you're at the store, so you bypass buying that item.
3. You haven't gone to the store in a week and a half, but no one would know it if they looked in your cupboards.
4. You open your last 6 pack of paper towels and think, "hmm I'm almost out, I need to be watching for sales."
5. You have ever taken your coupons on vacation with you.
I know there are more, but these are a few that jumped out of my head and onto the key board.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Batman Pinata Tutorial
Okie dokie, folks, we have reached the last "how to" in the Batman birthday party series! Last but not least we have the Batman pinata. Honestly, I think the pinata was my favorite =).
You will need:
2 large pieces of cardboard
A projector (or someone really good at free hand)
A bat symbol (I printed one from on line. A google image search will turn up a billion options)
Zip ties
2 large cereal boxes
Packing Tape
Black spray paint
Box cutter
1. Use your projector to enlarge your bat symbol and trace it onto both pieces of your cardboard. Your finished product will look like this
2. Cut out your shape using your box cutter
3. Make 4 slits in your cereal boxes. 2 in the middle of each side (where you will use your zip ties to connect the symbol to the boxes)
4. Wrap one of your cereal boxes around the other one.
5. You're going to need to cut a hole along the top in order to have somewhere to put the candy in. And to be able to get to pull the zip ties through, and to be able to have access to the zip ties for hanging the pinata. I ended up misjudging the size I needed to make the symbol in order to cover the cereal boxes so I had to cut the boxes to make them not show. However, if you make your symbol bigger than your boxes your life will be much simpler. This is all I should have had to do was cut off the long part of the cereal box and after I was done adding the zip ties, the rope for hanging and the candy I would have been able to put packing tape on top to keep it all in... Instead
This is what I had to do:
Nothing like making life more difficult.... Learn from my mistakes
6. Add your zip ties to hold it all together (pictured above)
7. Spray paint
8. Tada!
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
You will need:
2 large pieces of cardboard
A projector (or someone really good at free hand)
A bat symbol (I printed one from on line. A google image search will turn up a billion options)
Zip ties
2 large cereal boxes
Packing Tape
Black spray paint
Box cutter
1. Use your projector to enlarge your bat symbol and trace it onto both pieces of your cardboard. Your finished product will look like this
3. Make 4 slits in your cereal boxes. 2 in the middle of each side (where you will use your zip ties to connect the symbol to the boxes)
4. Wrap one of your cereal boxes around the other one.
5. You're going to need to cut a hole along the top in order to have somewhere to put the candy in. And to be able to get to pull the zip ties through, and to be able to have access to the zip ties for hanging the pinata. I ended up misjudging the size I needed to make the symbol in order to cover the cereal boxes so I had to cut the boxes to make them not show. However, if you make your symbol bigger than your boxes your life will be much simpler. This is all I should have had to do was cut off the long part of the cereal box and after I was done adding the zip ties, the rope for hanging and the candy I would have been able to put packing tape on top to keep it all in... Instead
Nothing like making life more difficult.... Learn from my mistakes
6. Add your zip ties to hold it all together (pictured above)
7. Spray paint
8. Tada!
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
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