Thursday, September 13, 2012

Entertainment For The Neighborhood

The other night the Hubs, kids and I were all in the front yard.  There was a puddle at the end of the drive way.  And while I'm usually an uber safety cautious Mama, I allowed Sweet Pea to play in the puddle.  We live in a cul de sac so I felt relatively safe allowing her to play in the puddle while the Hubs and I were standing there.

The Hubs called my attention to something and I looked away from Sweet Pea for a second.  When I looked back she was dangerously close to drinking some of the puddle water!  EWWWW!!  I yelled and told her to stop.  When I looked up there was a neighbor lady walking her dogs laughing.  Feeling secure that I'd gotten my point across I resumed talking to the Hubs.  

Wanna guess what I saw when I looked back at Sweet Pea?  Yep, she was once again trying to drink the puddle water!  EWWWW!!  So I hollered again in ever such a becoming way.  She stopped just in time and I decided puddle time was done.  When I glanced back up the same neighbor lady was still watching and this time laughing harder than ever.....  Eh at least we could be a bright spot in someone's day =).

Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T

(P.s. I'd love to show you pictures of this event, but my camera cord for the computer has gone the way of Jimmy Hoffa.  When I find it again I'll barrage you with cute pics =) 

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