How is it possible that in a few days it will be April? Our year is already 1/4 of the way over. This is just madness. Ok, on with the show!
1. How often should adults have birthday parties?
Honestly, life is to be celebrated. They can have parties every year if they want. As a matter of fact if they're going to invite me they should have a party every couple of months.... Cuz I'm a party animal! ;)
2. What was your room decorated like when you were a child?
We didn't have themed rooms. We had beds, toys and siblings. That was enough for me =).
3. Do you have any traditions for Easter? If so, what? And do you have a why behind that?
The only real tradition my family has always done for Easter is decorate eggs, have an egg hunt and have Easter baskets. Well, and go to church, but that's an all the time thing so does that count? The why behind the church thing is to celebrate what Jesus did for us. Dying on the cross, rising again the 3rd day to take away our sins if we will simply ask Him and accept Him into our hearts and lives. So much to celebrate!!! The rest of it is really just what every one does.
4. Do you get Good Friday off? If so, any plans?
Since I'm a stay at home Mama I don't get days off. It's a big 'ole party every day! (And if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you....) Seriously though I love being a stay at home Mama. Anywho, back to the question. The Hubs gets today off. But no, we have no big plans.
5. Did you wear hats and white shoes to church on Easter? (Or was that just in the South?)
I never did that stuff. Sure we dressed nicer on Easter than we did every other Sunday. Which is saying something since we always dressed nicely for church.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Ms. T
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One crazy girl blogging about kids, creativity and the chaos I call life.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
True Friends
True friends are some of God's greatest gifts to us. A true friend is one that you can call at 3 am to tell them you won 2.00 on a scratch off ticket and they won't actually get out of bed and drive the 15 miles to your house and wait outside til you fall asleep just to murder you, because if you weren't asleep you might put up too much of a fight and ruin their new manicure they won't want to kill you. Or you can tell them that you haven't mopped your floors in a month and they still love you. Or you can tell them you've gone certifiably nutty and can't handle your kids for one more minute and they will come and help you for the day.
I have been told that if you have one or two true friends in this world then you're blessed. I count myself among the blessed. I am thankful for those friends that even though you haven't seen them in 98,767,556 months (or sometimes it just feels that long) you can still sit down and have a conversation as if you'd just seen them yesterday.
I hope all of you are just as blessed as I am. The Bible says, "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly" (Proverbs 18:24 a). Thankfully, true friends will still love you even when you're not always loveable.
Hope you all have a great, friend filled day!
Ms. T
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I have been told that if you have one or two true friends in this world then you're blessed. I count myself among the blessed. I am thankful for those friends that even though you haven't seen them in 98,767,556 months (or sometimes it just feels that long) you can still sit down and have a conversation as if you'd just seen them yesterday.
I hope all of you are just as blessed as I am. The Bible says, "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly" (Proverbs 18:24 a). Thankfully, true friends will still love you even when you're not always loveable.
Hope you all have a great, friend filled day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Batman Birthday Party
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Everyone got their own cape! |
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And their own mask! |
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Firecracker was so excited to have his party! |
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My Bro, Mr. Pickles, being goofy =) |
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Papa with the Birthday boy |
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The cake. The Hubs actually MADE this sucker! For real. I have pictures and everything (I'll share them later) |
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Pinata time |
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Firecracker having a go at it. (I made the pinata, there is a how to post coming soon) |
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Aunt, Mrs. Pickles, was helping Sweet Pea hit the pinata. |
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Apparently I made the pinata a little too indestructable. The Hubs had to smash it open so the kids could get the candy. |
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Sweet pea saying, "I've already had 5 but please open this one for me!" (ok, so she didn't say it exactly like that. It came out more like, "mooorree, peease!) |
And in a nutshell that was Firecracker's party.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
4+2= Too Much Cake
This last Saturday we had Firecracker's 4th birthday party from 10:30 til 12. It was good fun. The kids had a great time and the adults loved visiting with each other.
Well, then in the evening my Sister in law, Mrs. Big Guy, had my nephew, N's, 2nd birthday party. We enjoyed that party as well. We hung out with a whole different set of people we don't get to see often enough.
Anyway, while we had a great time celebrating the 2 birthday boys, I had waaaaayyy too much cake for one day! Oh trust me I love me some cake, but I tell you what. I should have gone into a diabetic coma! Oh well, it was the weekend ;). Now back to reality and a much healthier diet =).
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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Well, then in the evening my Sister in law, Mrs. Big Guy, had my nephew, N's, 2nd birthday party. We enjoyed that party as well. We hung out with a whole different set of people we don't get to see often enough.
Anyway, while we had a great time celebrating the 2 birthday boys, I had waaaaayyy too much cake for one day! Oh trust me I love me some cake, but I tell you what. I should have gone into a diabetic coma! Oh well, it was the weekend ;). Now back to reality and a much healthier diet =).
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, March 25, 2013
NO this is not a post announcing I'm preggers or anything like that. Just fyi.
Sweet Pea has reached that age where she can spot a baby at 300 yards in the middle of the night. And as soon as she spots one she starts screaming, "BABY!! BABY!!" We cannot pass the toy aisle in the store, because she will see all those homeless baby dolls and have to adopt them all. Maybe one day she'll be an adoptive parent.
The other day at the park she saw a stroller and about went out of her mind. By the time I allowed her anywhere near the stroller the toddler was out playing. She was expecting to see a tiny baby and then the stroller was empty! She kept walking around asking where the baby was. Poor, sweet girl she was so confused.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Sweet Pea has reached that age where she can spot a baby at 300 yards in the middle of the night. And as soon as she spots one she starts screaming, "BABY!! BABY!!" We cannot pass the toy aisle in the store, because she will see all those homeless baby dolls and have to adopt them all. Maybe one day she'll be an adoptive parent.
The other day at the park she saw a stroller and about went out of her mind. By the time I allowed her anywhere near the stroller the toddler was out playing. She was expecting to see a tiny baby and then the stroller was empty! She kept walking around asking where the baby was. Poor, sweet girl she was so confused.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Friday, March 22, 2013
5 Question Friday
Good morning friends,
This weekend is going to be hectic, but fun! Tomorrow we have Firecracker's birthday party (it's just family, but it's the first time he's requested a specific party). Batman party to be exact. I've made the majority of the decorations and next week I'll be sharing some of my more successful projects with you =).
After Firecracker's party we have my nephew, N's, birthday party too! We're gonna be partyin' all weekend long!
Okie dokie, on with the fun!
1. What advice would you give a newly married couple?
Don't keep score. What happened yesterday is in the past. Love each other, and listen to each other. The more you work at your marriage the better your marriage will be. And find a couple you respect and that has been married a long time and has a marriage you envy. Ask them lots and lots of questions. Take their advice to heart, because they obviously know what they're doing.
2. Who does more laundry around your house?
Most of the time I do most of the laundry, however, when I'm having a hard time keeping up, or having a hard time the Hubs will pitch in and do like 7 loads to help get me caught up. He really is amazing.
3. What items, if any, do you prefer to buy organic or make yourself?
The only thing I make consistently would be sweet tea. The mark up on drinks is horrid. Other than that I'm not all that inclined to make stuff from scratch. Oh trust me I think it's cool, but I guess I'm just too darn lazy.
4. What book/TV series would you recommend for a friend on bed rest?
Oh t.v. I'd go with something like Criminal Minds or Law and Order. Book I'd have to go with Twilight or Hunger Games. Although I'm kinda into a newer series call the Unenchanted series. I am really enjoying it, but I've been waiting and waiting for the next book. Although admittedly I'm not a patient person I've been waiting for like 4 months! This is generally why I don't start reading a series until they're all out, because I'm too darn impatient.
5. So, they say it's Spring now.... what does your "spring" look like at this moment?
Our spring is actually very pleasant. It's semi cool and it's just right to be outside.
Alrighty, my Peeps, Adios til Monday! Have a great weekend!
Ms. T
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This weekend is going to be hectic, but fun! Tomorrow we have Firecracker's birthday party (it's just family, but it's the first time he's requested a specific party). Batman party to be exact. I've made the majority of the decorations and next week I'll be sharing some of my more successful projects with you =).
After Firecracker's party we have my nephew, N's, birthday party too! We're gonna be partyin' all weekend long!
Okie dokie, on with the fun!
1. What advice would you give a newly married couple?
Don't keep score. What happened yesterday is in the past. Love each other, and listen to each other. The more you work at your marriage the better your marriage will be. And find a couple you respect and that has been married a long time and has a marriage you envy. Ask them lots and lots of questions. Take their advice to heart, because they obviously know what they're doing.
2. Who does more laundry around your house?
Most of the time I do most of the laundry, however, when I'm having a hard time keeping up, or having a hard time the Hubs will pitch in and do like 7 loads to help get me caught up. He really is amazing.
3. What items, if any, do you prefer to buy organic or make yourself?
The only thing I make consistently would be sweet tea. The mark up on drinks is horrid. Other than that I'm not all that inclined to make stuff from scratch. Oh trust me I think it's cool, but I guess I'm just too darn lazy.
4. What book/TV series would you recommend for a friend on bed rest?
Oh t.v. I'd go with something like Criminal Minds or Law and Order. Book I'd have to go with Twilight or Hunger Games. Although I'm kinda into a newer series call the Unenchanted series. I am really enjoying it, but I've been waiting and waiting for the next book. Although admittedly I'm not a patient person I've been waiting for like 4 months! This is generally why I don't start reading a series until they're all out, because I'm too darn impatient.
5. So, they say it's Spring now.... what does your "spring" look like at this moment?
Our spring is actually very pleasant. It's semi cool and it's just right to be outside.
Alrighty, my Peeps, Adios til Monday! Have a great weekend!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
4 years ago today our lives changed forever. The Hubs and I were blessed with Firecracker. I cannot believe that it has already been 4 years. How did my baby go from this:
To this:
How is it possible that this little baby that transformed me from a woman into a Mama has already turned 4?!
Firecracker, Daddy and Mama love you so much you will never be able to fully comprehend it. Every day you turn our lives into an adventure. You are compassionate, silly, loving, sweet, caring, crazy and we can't imagine a world without you. We are blessed to be your parents.
And now I'm going to tape my eye lids up so I won't blink and have another 4 years race past me.
Mama and Daddy
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To this:
How is it possible that this little baby that transformed me from a woman into a Mama has already turned 4?!
Firecracker, Daddy and Mama love you so much you will never be able to fully comprehend it. Every day you turn our lives into an adventure. You are compassionate, silly, loving, sweet, caring, crazy and we can't imagine a world without you. We are blessed to be your parents.
And now I'm going to tape my eye lids up so I won't blink and have another 4 years race past me.
Mama and Daddy
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
As I begin my homage to bleach I must give a shout out to my Aunt. She loves bleach just as much as I. It has helped to bond us haha!
Bleach is my friend. It cleans bathrooms, kitchens, tea stained pitchers, potty seats, hand me down toys, crib mattresses etc... In short: It cleanses all the nastiness that is part of life with a child(ren) or husband ;).
Some people walk into my house after I've been cleaning and tell me it smells so strong (The Hubs included). Then they proceed to ask me how I can stand it. To me the real mystery is how they can walk into a house that has the beautiful aroma of bleach wafting from every hard surface and it not make them happy?
Yes, my friends, I'm confessing to the fact that the smell of bleach makes me happy! I love it simply because it means everything is CLEAN!! Ahhhh and what Mommy doesn't love a clean house?
So as we are staring into the face of another cold and flu season I will be armed with my 2 most favorite weapons bleach and hand sanitizer. (a whole 'nother post hahaha!)
And as my babies are finally getting better after their bout with hand, foot and mouth disease, you can rest assured I'll be cleaning EVERYTHING with bleach to kill those nasty germs!!
Hope you have a delightful day =)
Ms. T
Bleach is my friend. It cleans bathrooms, kitchens, tea stained pitchers, potty seats, hand me down toys, crib mattresses etc... In short: It cleanses all the nastiness that is part of life with a child(ren) or husband ;).
Some people walk into my house after I've been cleaning and tell me it smells so strong (The Hubs included). Then they proceed to ask me how I can stand it. To me the real mystery is how they can walk into a house that has the beautiful aroma of bleach wafting from every hard surface and it not make them happy?
Yes, my friends, I'm confessing to the fact that the smell of bleach makes me happy! I love it simply because it means everything is CLEAN!! Ahhhh and what Mommy doesn't love a clean house?
So as we are staring into the face of another cold and flu season I will be armed with my 2 most favorite weapons bleach and hand sanitizer. (a whole 'nother post hahaha!)
And as my babies are finally getting better after their bout with hand, foot and mouth disease, you can rest assured I'll be cleaning EVERYTHING with bleach to kill those nasty germs!!
Hope you have a delightful day =)
Ms. T
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Creepy or Kinda Nice? You Decide.....
Ok, so with all the sickness around here (p.s. Firecracker now has it.... UGH!!!) I have had to make multiple trips to the store to buy supplies (I.e. prescriptions, children's tylenol, orajel etc.). We have a neighborhood CVS (who doesn't?) and I shop there frequently. Well, on one of these infamous medication runs I walk into the CVS and notice a cashier that is there from time to time. He looks at me and says, "Hi, Ms. T (insert real name here)".
Now see normally this wouldn't even register on the creep-o-meter, but here's the kicker.... I've never introduced myself to him.... At least not that I can remember (you know Mommy brain can sometimes make you forget things, but I'd think I'd remember that...). Weird right? I mean ok, yes the receipts always have my name on them and they say "how much you saved: blah, blah, blah". So I can see maybe where he'd be able to get the information, but it still struck me as odd.
I've been back in the store one time since then, and he was there, and he greeted me by name again. I smiled and greeted him by name (not weird, because he has a stinkin' name tag! If you can read you know his name). All the while in my head I was arguing with myself wondering, "is this creepy or kinda nice that he's trying to notice others?"
So, friends, what do you think? What would you do if this happened to you? Never go to the store again? Change your whole family's identities and go into hiding in Canada?
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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Now see normally this wouldn't even register on the creep-o-meter, but here's the kicker.... I've never introduced myself to him.... At least not that I can remember (you know Mommy brain can sometimes make you forget things, but I'd think I'd remember that...). Weird right? I mean ok, yes the receipts always have my name on them and they say "how much you saved: blah, blah, blah". So I can see maybe where he'd be able to get the information, but it still struck me as odd.
I've been back in the store one time since then, and he was there, and he greeted me by name again. I smiled and greeted him by name (not weird, because he has a stinkin' name tag! If you can read you know his name). All the while in my head I was arguing with myself wondering, "is this creepy or kinda nice that he's trying to notice others?"
So, friends, what do you think? What would you do if this happened to you? Never go to the store again? Change your whole family's identities and go into hiding in Canada?
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Hand, Foot and Mouth
Sweet pea does, as it turns out, have hand, foot and mouth disease. This disease is awful. Poor baby! She has rashes on her hands and feet. And then she has sores in her mouths. Her tongue is covered in canker sore type sores.
After dealing with this disease for 5 days Sweet pea is starting to feel better and eat and drink again Praise the Lord! We are keeping a close eye on Firecracker, because this mess is highly contagious. =(
Keeping our fingers crossed!
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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After dealing with this disease for 5 days Sweet pea is starting to feel better and eat and drink again Praise the Lord! We are keeping a close eye on Firecracker, because this mess is highly contagious. =(
Keeping our fingers crossed!
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Friday, March 15, 2013
5 Question Friday
Good morning! Fair warning I'm kinda cranky today. Probably because Sweet pea was up 4 times in the night last night. I can't blame her, last night we discovered she has sores all over the inside of her mouth. No wonder she doesn't want to eat! We think she has hand-foot and mouth disease, but we're going to the Dr. to get the official diagnosis. She has 3 out of 3 symptoms so I'm fairly sure the Doc. will agree.
Anyway, here we go!
1. What is one thing you wish you did not have to teach your children?
We haven't reached this stage yet, but I'm going with sex. I don't relish the idea of having the birds and the bees talk with either kid (although I'm totally gonna pass Firecracker off on the Hubs! =). No, I don't relish the idea, but I'd so much rather them hear it from me than from one of their friends!
2. What are you going to use since Google Reader is going away?
Ummm.... see I've never used Google reader. Usually if I use Google it's to find something totally ridiculous. Like a rooster wearing a tuxedo. I.e.:
And yes, I did just google this to find it for this purpose. See how dedicated I am? ;) So I guess I'll just do what I've always done and read on my kindle.
3. British comedy; Hilarious or strange?
I've not ever watched a lot of British comedy. Come to think of it, I can't think of a single time I've seen British comedy. And probably if I have I changed it quickly, because I thought it was stupid. So I'm going with strange. Yes, I'm prejudice (apparently).
4. Do you prefer card games or board games?
I love a good board game. It makes you see part of people you don't normally get to see. And often you end up laughing a lot! And what could be better than laughingat with a friend?
5. Will winter ever end?
I'm sure at some point, but honestly, I'm enjoying the cooler weather. I DO NOT live where it snows, thank the good Lord! So I can see where this would bias me. Anyway, I'm sure all too soon the weather will change and it will go back to being super hot.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Anyway, here we go!
1. What is one thing you wish you did not have to teach your children?
We haven't reached this stage yet, but I'm going with sex. I don't relish the idea of having the birds and the bees talk with either kid (although I'm totally gonna pass Firecracker off on the Hubs! =). No, I don't relish the idea, but I'd so much rather them hear it from me than from one of their friends!
2. What are you going to use since Google Reader is going away?
Ummm.... see I've never used Google reader. Usually if I use Google it's to find something totally ridiculous. Like a rooster wearing a tuxedo. I.e.:
google image |
3. British comedy; Hilarious or strange?
I've not ever watched a lot of British comedy. Come to think of it, I can't think of a single time I've seen British comedy. And probably if I have I changed it quickly, because I thought it was stupid. So I'm going with strange. Yes, I'm prejudice (apparently).
4. Do you prefer card games or board games?
I love a good board game. It makes you see part of people you don't normally get to see. And often you end up laughing a lot! And what could be better than laughing
5. Will winter ever end?
I'm sure at some point, but honestly, I'm enjoying the cooler weather. I DO NOT live where it snows, thank the good Lord! So I can see where this would bias me. Anyway, I'm sure all too soon the weather will change and it will go back to being super hot.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sick Of It!
So Sweet Pea has been battling some kind of illness. I thought she was over it. Then over the weekend I got sick. I finally was feeling better yesterday so we decided we were all finally well enough to go to church.
Yippee!! We went to church last night and when we got home I took her out of her car seat and she felt warm. Sure enough Sweet Pea has a fever.... again! UGH!!! I'm sick of sickness.
Sickness, sickness go away. Don't come again another day.
Wishing you a sick free day!
Ms. T
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Yippee!! We went to church last night and when we got home I took her out of her car seat and she felt warm. Sure enough Sweet Pea has a fever.... again! UGH!!! I'm sick of sickness.
Sickness, sickness go away. Don't come again another day.
Wishing you a sick free day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
I have a new addiction. My older bro., Mr. Pickles, introduced me to a new game called RUZZLE. Mr. Pickles knows how much I love word games (he does too, we grew up in the same house. All of my siblings and I love games like Boggle and to a lesser extent Scrabble).
I played RUZZLE on Mr. Pickles phone for a few rounds and decided it was a cool game. Then I came home and downloaded it onto my kindle. And because of the addicting nature of this game I have had to restrict myself to playing it only when my children are napping or in bed for the night. Otherwise I am not such a good Mama. I say things like, "Sure, Firecracker, have some more candy while Mommy finishes this round."
So if you're a word game lover, I recommend RUZZLE. And be sure to put your kids to bed before you start playing, because I wouldn't want you telling your kids to eat more candy or anything so you can finish a round... =)
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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I played RUZZLE on Mr. Pickles phone for a few rounds and decided it was a cool game. Then I came home and downloaded it onto my kindle. And because of the addicting nature of this game I have had to restrict myself to playing it only when my children are napping or in bed for the night. Otherwise I am not such a good Mama. I say things like, "Sure, Firecracker, have some more candy while Mommy finishes this round."
So if you're a word game lover, I recommend RUZZLE. And be sure to put your kids to bed before you start playing, because I wouldn't want you telling your kids to eat more candy or anything so you can finish a round... =)
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Sunday I was not feeling well. The Hubs took the kids to church all by himself. It's not unusual for him to take the kids places alone. After church the Hubs took the kids to my parent's house (they only live about 10 minutes from our church and we live 30 minutes from the church. We often go there on Sunday afternoons to see them and save gas in one fell swoop.) and then went back to church for the evening service before coming home.
This left me in the very uncommon situation of being home for 10 hours completely alone. That hasn't happened since before Firecracker was born. I really appreciated the time to rest. Not to mention the Hubs taking care of the kids for the whole day.
While I rested I ended up reading a book and a half. =) Gotta love alone time.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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This left me in the very uncommon situation of being home for 10 hours completely alone. That hasn't happened since before Firecracker was born. I really appreciated the time to rest. Not to mention the Hubs taking care of the kids for the whole day.
While I rested I ended up reading a book and a half. =) Gotta love alone time.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Upside Down
The end of last week was totally wack a doo for Firecracker, Sweet Pea and myself. My Mom is the principal of a small, Christian school near me and they were short 2 teachers last Thursday and Friday. Because she knows I have a background in teaching and that I am a wuss that will say yes ;), she asked me if I would mind filling in.
See when these type of situations usually occur I say, "oh, I'd love to help, but I have 2 kids at home and I don't know what I'd do with them. Sorry!" However, this time my Sis- in - law, Mrs. Pickles stepped in and said, "oh, no worries, I'll watch the kids". (now mind you I had to drive 30 minutes to drop the kids off then turn around and drive 20 minutes to the school. Then in the afternoon I had to do the same drive again. Having a commute sucks booty). So I reluctantly accepted the opportunity to change up our schedule for a few days.
I enjoyed my time in the classroom. I was really assisting another teacher, Ms. Lori, and she was FABULOUS to work with. We laughed together, had fun with the kids together and worked well together (at least I thought so =). I can't say enough good things about Ms. Lori. She loves on those kids, but doesn't take any flack from them. Pretty much the hallmarks of a great teacher.
Anyway, it was quite the change of pace, and I came home completely exhausted both days. I got a teensy, weensy, little taste of what it's like to be a working Mama, and I gotta say I'm not a fan. I missed my babies. They're only small once, and I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to stay home with my kids. Thank you, Lord! And thank you, Hubs, for making it possible.
And now I'm going back to my regularly scheduled life. *Insert deep sigh of relief here*
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
See when these type of situations usually occur I say, "oh, I'd love to help, but I have 2 kids at home and I don't know what I'd do with them. Sorry!" However, this time my Sis- in - law, Mrs. Pickles stepped in and said, "oh, no worries, I'll watch the kids". (now mind you I had to drive 30 minutes to drop the kids off then turn around and drive 20 minutes to the school. Then in the afternoon I had to do the same drive again. Having a commute sucks booty). So I reluctantly accepted the opportunity to change up our schedule for a few days.
I enjoyed my time in the classroom. I was really assisting another teacher, Ms. Lori, and she was FABULOUS to work with. We laughed together, had fun with the kids together and worked well together (at least I thought so =). I can't say enough good things about Ms. Lori. She loves on those kids, but doesn't take any flack from them. Pretty much the hallmarks of a great teacher.
Anyway, it was quite the change of pace, and I came home completely exhausted both days. I got a teensy, weensy, little taste of what it's like to be a working Mama, and I gotta say I'm not a fan. I missed my babies. They're only small once, and I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to stay home with my kids. Thank you, Lord! And thank you, Hubs, for making it possible.
And now I'm going back to my regularly scheduled life. *Insert deep sigh of relief here*
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Contrary to what you might be thinking this is NOT a recipe post. Nope. This is all about some tasty biscuits the Hubs and I had the other night.
The other night the Hubs and I went out to dinner (thank you Mrs. Pickles for watching our kiddos). We went to a pretty well know seafood chain. I enjoy seafood, but the Hubs doesn't so we go there less than infrequently. As we were pulling up to said restaurant we were trying to remember the last time we had eaten at one and came up with the number 4. Yep, 4 years ago.
Anyway, I LOVE this restaurant's biscuits. They are half of the reason I go there! (well, once every 4 years anyway ;). The Hubs apparently discovered that he too loves their biscuits. We both ate them and praised them so highly to the waitress that she made sure we had a goodie bag of them to take home with us too. =)
It's the small things.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
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The other night the Hubs and I went out to dinner (thank you Mrs. Pickles for watching our kiddos). We went to a pretty well know seafood chain. I enjoy seafood, but the Hubs doesn't so we go there less than infrequently. As we were pulling up to said restaurant we were trying to remember the last time we had eaten at one and came up with the number 4. Yep, 4 years ago.
Anyway, I LOVE this restaurant's biscuits. They are half of the reason I go there! (well, once every 4 years anyway ;). The Hubs apparently discovered that he too loves their biscuits. We both ate them and praised them so highly to the waitress that she made sure we had a goodie bag of them to take home with us too. =)
It's the small things.
Have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Room To Breathe
Today my bestie, Ms. L, is going to share with us. Reading this makes me laugh. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. =) The Boy, is Ms. L's 9 year old son. Take it away, Ms. L!!
Oh, my! The Bad Mom award goes to me (again)! I have been the recipient of this award more times than is legally allowed. I believe that I may have even been inducted into the Hall of Fame.
It all started when The Boy was a mere 4-5 months old. Who thought peeling an orange was such a bad thing? Well, it's not. Unless you happen to squirt the super potent orange peel juice into your infant's eyes. The sound of screaming baby is not the background noise I prefer for my yummy snack.
Since then, multiple times, both children of mine have bestowed upon me this prestigious award. All of them would make you laugh. Ms. T knows pretty much all of them, and she is sworn to secrecy on some. In fact, when we were discussing starting this blog, she said, "Come on. You can write about (insert super embarrassing story here)."
Which brings us to the awards program for today. On Tuesday morning, The Boy went to put on his tennis shoes for school. Being a boy, of course he tried to stuff his foot into his shoe without having to untie it. Apparently, somehow he broke the heel support in the shoe. This piece is apparently made of plastic, and when it is broken, sharp edges will jab you in the heel. It's kind of like your shoe has a shiv. "Be careful. This shoe will cut you!" (Sorry. Inside joke that I am sure we will share with you eventually.)
Well, it was a PE day, so he had to have tennis shoes for school. I remembered that we had his older tennis shoes that he managed to pretty much ruin over the summer. After a quick prayer that they would still fit, his foot slipped right in.
Okay, so they were dirty, and definitely worn down, but they were tennis shoes and they fit. So off to school he went.
Cue Wednesday morning, getting ready for school. Oh, darn! I forgot to go buy The Boy new shoes! Oh well, nothing we can do about it now! Off to school we go.
So after school yesterday, we go shoe shopping. So, we find the perfect pair of shoes. I tell him to sit down so we can try them on, go to pull off his old shoes, and lo and behold, what do I see? On each shoe, there is a rather large hole near the toes that had not been there when we put them on that morning.
"Boy, What happened to your shoes?"
"I don't know, Mom. Probably when we were playing football. But don't worry, I just told my teacher and friends that you were letting my toes breathe."
Oh, really? Gee, why didn't you just tell them that I cut holes in your shoes while I held you down and squirted orange juice in your eyes?
So, here on the shelf of all my life's accomplishments, I scoot over my "Orange Gun" Trophy to make room for a set of lovely bronze shoes with holes in the toes. Have you won any awards lately? If so, I would love to hear about it.
No. Really. I want to hear it so I don't feel so bad anymore! :)
Ms. L
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Bird Feeder
Firecracker and I attempted to make our very own bird feeder. This is what we did:
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We used a pine cone, sunflower seeds (what we had, but you can use any kind), peanut butter and fishing line. |
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We spread the peanut butter across the pine cone. |
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p.s. Do not turn your back on your peanut butter lover when they are done spreading the peanut butter across the pine cone, because other wise they will lick the spoon... boys are gross. |
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Sprinkle seeds across the peanut butter. |
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Use the fishing line to hang the pine cone to a tree =). (Sorry this pic is blurry. Oh well!) |
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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