Thursday, December 20, 2012


I remember when I was a kid my poor Mama would be frazzled about this time every year.  My Daddy was (and still is) a Pastor and Christmas is a very busy time in the Church.  Staff parties, parishioner parties, Cantatas, Children's Christmas plays and the list could go on.  And all of this on top of the normal shopping, buying and wrapping.  

About the age of 9 I started volunteering to do wrapping for my Mama.  She gratefully took me up on it, even though it wasn't all that beautiful.  I would wrap until I was sick of wrapping.  Then she would take over and be thankful for my help.  The older I got the more wrapping I did for her.  By the time I was 16 I was wrapping everyone's presents except my own.  I was cool with that.  I enjoyed it.  It made me feel good to be able to take some of the load off of my parents.

Now I am a parent with loads of presents to be wrapped.  I am looking at them thinking how much I DON'T want to wrap them.  The Hubs has been super supportive and even volunteered his time to help me wrap.  His only condition is that I am not allowed to complain when his wrapping job doesn't look perfect.  I'm good with that!  Have I told you I love that man?!  Anyway, we have made a dent, but there is still so much that needs to be done.  

Alright, well, I'm going to stop complaining and instead be thankful that we've been blessed with so much!  

I hope you all have just as much wrapping to do as I do! (Ummm... that was meant to be a statement wishing you to have as many blessings as I do, but I think it came off more as a "I hope you have tons of work left to do" statement.  That's not what I meant really!  And please excuse me while I go extract my foot from my mouth)

Merry Christmas!
Ms. T        

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