Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Sum of All Knowledge

According to their children, (at least the children under the age of 12, because you know that once a kid becomes a teen they know everything) parents are the sum of all knowledge.  I had never really thought about it like this until the other day Firecracker asked me what something was and I told him I didn't know.

He stared at me with a completely shocked expression and with an equally shocked voice said, "You don't know?!"  I'm fairly certain that it was on par with learning Santa Claus isn't real.  All at once I felt awesome that he had that much faith in my knowledge, and terrible that I've shattered the illusion.  I TOTALLY could've worked with that for much longer!

Maybe now he'll just assume we are the sum of MOST knowledge instead of all.....  Here's hoping!

Have a great day!
Ms. T

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