Thursday, September 18, 2014


Have you ever had the good old fashioned NEED for chocolate? You know when you can't find any so you end up eating a little bit of everything else in the house hoping something will satisfy your everloving craving?  

And then you have a moment where the Heavens open and Angels sing when you remember that your Hubs has chocolate stashed away to give to his AWANA kids (AWANA is a kids program we do at our church).  And you go to the stash, dig out the chocolate, use scissors to open the pack, because dang it it's still new.  He's totally gonna know, but in that moment you don't care, because you NEED chocolate.  And then you eat 2 Reese's cups and all is right with the world, except now you've got an upset stomach, because the chocolate isn't playing well with the cheese and crackers and tortilla chips you ate trying to satisfy the chocolate craving.

You've never experienced that huh?  I guess it's just me....

Hope you have a great day!

Ms. T

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