Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mysteries of Life

Where do the lost socks go?

Why do the children pick the worst moment of the day to leak through their diaper, or throw a tantrum etc.?

Why do jeans magically shrink in the dryer, BUT only if they've been washed first?  And then stretch back out after a wear or two?

Why do tupperware containers disappear always leaving their lids behind?  Are they mad at the lids and trying to get away from them?  Or are they mocking us by showing us how many dishes we lost?

How do they get milk out of a bean/ nut?

Why do so many super heroes' masks only cover their eyes?  If they're serious about hiding their identity they should take notes from Spider Man.

Why is it if a white piece of clothing makes it into a colored load it always comes out pink even if there isn't anything red in that load?

A few things to ponder today.  Hope you have a good day!

Ms. T

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