Do I look like a masochist? I must be one. I decided the other day, "Hey, you know I didn't sell much at our last garage sale. I should do another one and try to get rid of more of this stuff."
Well, guess what. Nearly the EXACT same result. I made 50.00 for 7 hours worth of work. I'm not sure, but I think that might be even less than minimum wage. Thankfully, I did sell some stuff, but I tell you what it will be a LONG time before I do this again.
So much stuff left over, I will be making a trip to Salvation Army and saying good bye to all the baby stuff.
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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One crazy girl blogging about kids, creativity and the chaos I call life.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
5 Question Friday!
Good Morning, Friends! Yippee for Friday!! I tell ya, I’m ready for this week to be over. It’s not been bad, but I’ve been upside down about which day it was all week long. Somehow I missed Monday and started my week thinking it was Tuesday. Then the Hubs switched his work from home day (don’t be hatin’ on him, because he gets 1 day a week to work out of our house ;) this week, which further threw me off. Ugh I need normalcy. Hmmm, there is something I never thought I’d say….. Wow, see this week needs to be over, it’s changing me into someone else all together!!! =)
On with the 5 question Friday fun! Once again thanks to Mama M. for letting me link up!
1. Do you make your kids finish all the food on their plates?
Negative, Ghost Rider (name that movie ;). I do not make Firecracker finish all his food because 1. He is a picky eater and getting him to eat ANY of his dinner can be a challenge. 2. The Hubs and I aren’t big into forcing them to finish food, because we do not want them to grow up unable to walk away from food when they are full. Call me a bad parent if you want, but that’s how we see it.
2. Do you give an allowance?
Nope, no allowance, however, we’ve just started giving Firecracker money when he does extra chores. (like throwing out Sweet pea’s dirty diapers, taking clothes to the laundry for me etc.) He was able to buy a toy the other day with his own money which was a huge excitement for him =).
3. Do you actually park your car in the garage?
The Hubs has his treasured car, Sally (she’s a fox body mustang), in the garage. So there is no room for my minivan. I’m cool with that, because the Hubs doesn’t ask for much. And Sally has some very expensive parts on her (put there before the Hubs and I got together, and WAY before kids entered the picture!) if they were stolen we’d never be able to replace. So the garage is her home =).
4. What is one food you will NEVER cook?
Liver. Although I love Liver and onions, the Hubs cannot stand it. He won’t eat it no matter what. What’s the point in making the dish if the Hubs won’t eat it? None. Especially since the Hubs isn’t picky usually. So I’m cool with it.
5. Do you have anything exciting planned for the summer?
2. Do you give an allowance?
Nope, no allowance, however, we’ve just started giving Firecracker money when he does extra chores. (like throwing out Sweet pea’s dirty diapers, taking clothes to the laundry for me etc.) He was able to buy a toy the other day with his own money which was a huge excitement for him =).
3. Do you actually park your car in the garage?
The Hubs has his treasured car, Sally (she’s a fox body mustang), in the garage. So there is no room for my minivan. I’m cool with that, because the Hubs doesn’t ask for much. And Sally has some very expensive parts on her (put there before the Hubs and I got together, and WAY before kids entered the picture!) if they were stolen we’d never be able to replace. So the garage is her home =).
4. What is one food you will NEVER cook?
Liver. Although I love Liver and onions, the Hubs cannot stand it. He won’t eat it no matter what. What’s the point in making the dish if the Hubs won’t eat it? None. Especially since the Hubs isn’t picky usually. So I’m cool with it.
5. Do you have anything exciting planned for the summer?
Our family is having a family reunion! I am pretty excited about it. The Hubs has never met this side of the family. And this side of the family is nutty! Not like “Oh no! Aunt Jean has her underwear on outside of her pants again.” Kind of nutty more like, “Let’s get out the twister, put dish soap all over it and see who stays up the longest” kind of nutty. They’re fun, and they have great senses of humor. They tease me that the Hubs doesn’t really exist, because they’ve never met him. They call him “the card board cut out” =). We’ll prove them wrong this summer =).
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Ms. T
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Veggie Meat Loaf
It's been awhile since I posted a recipe. Well here is a new one I've fallen in love with. It's a tasty twist on an old favorite: Betty Crocker's meat loaf! This recipe came to be one night while my friend, Ms. S, and I were brain storming about recipes I could make for the Hubs since his diet changed so drastically a few months ago. This recipe was invented and it's fabulous!!
You will need:
1/2 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 lb lean ground beef
3 zucchini (I have also used 1 large egg plant and 1 zucchini)
1 medium or large onion
1 egg (or 1/4 cup egg whites, which helps in decreasing the fat content)
3/4 cup bread crumbs
3/4 cup milk
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground sage
1/2 tsp pepper
Chop zucchini and onion and sautee together using a little bit of water instead of oil.
Mix all the ingredients together put them into a 9x5 loaf pan
Bake it at 350 degrees for 1hour and 15 minutes.
Delicious, and sooo much better for you than regular meat loaf! You'll be astounded when it's completely cooked and you pull it out and there is only about a tablespoon worth of grease in the whole pan!! Typical meat loaf is swimming in grease. YUCK-O! I tell you, I'll probably never go back to regular meat loaf.
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You will need:
1/2 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 lb lean ground beef
3 zucchini (I have also used 1 large egg plant and 1 zucchini)
1 medium or large onion
1 egg (or 1/4 cup egg whites, which helps in decreasing the fat content)
3/4 cup bread crumbs
3/4 cup milk
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground sage
1/2 tsp pepper
Chop zucchini and onion and sautee together using a little bit of water instead of oil.
Mix all the ingredients together put them into a 9x5 loaf pan
Bake it at 350 degrees for 1hour and 15 minutes.
Delicious, and sooo much better for you than regular meat loaf! You'll be astounded when it's completely cooked and you pull it out and there is only about a tablespoon worth of grease in the whole pan!! Typical meat loaf is swimming in grease. YUCK-O! I tell you, I'll probably never go back to regular meat loaf.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Garage Sale Dresser
Yesterday, I told you about all the moola I didn't make at my garage sale. But the wonderful dresser I did score. Well, this, as Paul Harvey would say, is the rest of the story.
I spotted this beauty as I was pulling onto my SIL's street.
I got to my SIL's house, unloaded my stuff. Got everything set up and then made my way down to the house selling the dresser. I wanted to snatch it up before it was sold. The owner was selling it for a mere 40.00 for the night stand and dresser. And while I didn't necessarily need the night stand, I wasn't going to get picky if they wanted to throw it in. I would have paid 40.00 just for the dresser.
I snagged it and asked the seller if he would mind holding onto it until I could pick it up at the end of the day. He said he would and that he would put a "sold" sticker on it.
At the end of the day, I picked it up. Brought it home and then removed the packing tape that the seller had put on the side and written "sold" on. Not only did the tape come off, so did some of the covering for the laminate =(.
It made me sick, and want to cry!
That evening we went back to my SIL's house to celebrate my nephew's birthday. When I told her about the dresser, she gave me a "wood marker" that would match the dresser, but was too light for her furniture. I'd never heard of them before, but decided why not give it a try?
Oh what a wonderful thing it was!!! It didn't make the damage 100% better, but it's sooooo much better than it was!!! My SIL saved the day!!!
Talk about an emotional roller coaster kind of day! But it all worked out in the end =).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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I spotted this beauty as I was pulling onto my SIL's street.
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Isn't she a beaut?! |
I snagged it and asked the seller if he would mind holding onto it until I could pick it up at the end of the day. He said he would and that he would put a "sold" sticker on it.
At the end of the day, I picked it up. Brought it home and then removed the packing tape that the seller had put on the side and written "sold" on. Not only did the tape come off, so did some of the covering for the laminate =(.
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Doesn't this make you sick? |
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This is the side of the night stand. We took the tape off of it second, so we tried to be much more careful. |
It made me sick, and want to cry!
That evening we went back to my SIL's house to celebrate my nephew's birthday. When I told her about the dresser, she gave me a "wood marker" that would match the dresser, but was too light for her furniture. I'd never heard of them before, but decided why not give it a try?
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Interesting, no? |
Oh what a wonderful thing it was!!! It didn't make the damage 100% better, but it's sooooo much better than it was!!! My SIL saved the day!!!
Talk about an emotional roller coaster kind of day! But it all worked out in the end =).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Garage Sale Flop
So do you remember a few Saturdays ago I was going to be holding a garage sale? No, you have other things to do with your brain? And you didn't bother to remember that?! I'm so hurt... hahaha!
Well, My SIL and I held a combined garage sale and even put it up on Craigslist. We were each selling our tiny baby stuff, because we are both DONE having babies and that stuff takes up mucho space. Anywho, my SIL and I thought for sure we'd make a good bit not to mention clean out our garages (also, making our Hubbies happy a win-win situation).
Can I tell you we were WRONG! I made 50.00 all of which I spent at another garage sale on a fantastic dresser for Sweet Pea and a scooter for Firecracker. (I have been looking for a dresser for her since before she was born. We've been using one of those plastic drawer things, and while it works, it's not exactly permanent dresser material.) Basically I traded my stuff for more stuff.... that was NOT the goal of the day.
This is exactly why I don't do garage sales..... Lesson learned.... AGAIN.
Hope you have a great day! =)
Ms. T
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Well, My SIL and I held a combined garage sale and even put it up on Craigslist. We were each selling our tiny baby stuff, because we are both DONE having babies and that stuff takes up mucho space. Anywho, my SIL and I thought for sure we'd make a good bit not to mention clean out our garages (also, making our Hubbies happy a win-win situation).
Can I tell you we were WRONG! I made 50.00 all of which I spent at another garage sale on a fantastic dresser for Sweet Pea and a scooter for Firecracker. (I have been looking for a dresser for her since before she was born. We've been using one of those plastic drawer things, and while it works, it's not exactly permanent dresser material.) Basically I traded my stuff for more stuff.... that was NOT the goal of the day.
This is exactly why I don't do garage sales..... Lesson learned.... AGAIN.
Hope you have a great day! =)
Ms. T
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Monday, April 23, 2012
An Odd Place for a Nap
The other day Sweet pea didn't nap nearly long enough in the afternoon resulting in a very cranky baby about 5:30. However, as every Mama knows, if you let a baby nap at 5:30 they won't sleep at night. So I did my dead level best to keep her awake.
I put Sweet pea in her saucer, because I needed to go in the other room for a minute. When I came back this is what I found:
I guess I lost. Poor pumpkin!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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I put Sweet pea in her saucer, because I needed to go in the other room for a minute. When I came back this is what I found:
I guess I lost. Poor pumpkin!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Friday, April 20, 2012
5 Question Friday!
It’s Friday once again! Whoo hoooo!! This weekend we have almost no plans. Ahhhhh I’m not gonna lie, it’s a nice feeling =). Especially since Firecracker and I are still getting over this nasty bug.
Alright on with the fun! Once again thanks to Mama M. for letting me link up!
1. Groceries are high right now what is easiest way you have found to cut back?
Well, the Hub’s low fat diet has helped some in that we’re eating less meat. And as you all know meat is expensive. Plus, my Mom’s church gets “day old” produce every Friday, and she brings me some. That DEFINITELY helps! Ahh and Couponing. It's amazing. I LOVE it! I save a ton of money on a consistent basis.
2. What are the top 3 things on your "bucket list"?
I’ve yet to create an official “bucket list” of my own. But I’d love to travel to Europe some day, I really, really want to go on another cruise. Uhhh I’m sure I’ve got another one rattling around in my brain somewhere, but my mommy brain can’t conjure it up right now.
3. Would you rather give up AC or heat?
Where I live, AC is on 90% of the year. The windows get opened 7% of the year and the other 3% is heat worthy. So I’m gonna say I’d MUCH rather give up heat. I can throw on another blanket or two and bundle up nice and cozy on the 3 days a year we need to.
4. What's your favorite cocktail?
Considering I don’t drink, I’m going with a Sprite Zero. Yum! Cold and refreshing ;).
5. What was your first job & how old were you?
My first job was babysitting, and believe it or not I was like 13. I look at my babies and have a hard time thinking about leaving them for 3 or 4 hours with a 13 year old!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
That Moment
There are many moments as a Mama that make you go, "awwwww" and then there are those moments that make you go, "ewwwwww"! It seems like boys have so many "ewwwww" moments.
The other day I was helping the Firecracker put his pants on and he kept leaning over and giving me sloppy kisses and then nuzzling my cheek afterward. I was drinking it in loving how sweet he was being... UNTIL, I realized that he was not actually nuzzling me. He was wiping his snotty nose on my cheek!!!!
BOYS ARE GROSS!!! I do still love him, but what a stinker ;).
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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The other day I was helping the Firecracker put his pants on and he kept leaning over and giving me sloppy kisses and then nuzzling my cheek afterward. I was drinking it in loving how sweet he was being... UNTIL, I realized that he was not actually nuzzling me. He was wiping his snotty nose on my cheek!!!!
BOYS ARE GROSS!!! I do still love him, but what a stinker ;).
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Middle of the Night
Have you ever noticed that almost nothing good happens in the middle of the night? At least it doesn't in my world. Well, last night was no exception. I was awakened at 1 am by Firecracker screaming and crying. I went into his room to find that he'd puked all over his bed. =(
I spent the next hour bathing him, cleaning the bed and getting it ready for him again. Finally I got back into bed about 2 am. He started crying again about 2:30. This time it was something small, like he was missing his favorite toy. I got back into bed, to be awakened again at 3:15. Once again Firecracker had puked in his bed. =( Poor baby!! I spent the next 45 minutes in there cleaning and redressing the bed. At which point the Hubs came in and finished up for me, because he knew I'd been up alot. (He's so wonderful!!)
Let's just say, last night was one of the loooooonnnngest nights ever! I'm glad it's over. Firecracker still isn't feeling the best today, so we will be laying low and hoping this passes quickly.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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I spent the next hour bathing him, cleaning the bed and getting it ready for him again. Finally I got back into bed about 2 am. He started crying again about 2:30. This time it was something small, like he was missing his favorite toy. I got back into bed, to be awakened again at 3:15. Once again Firecracker had puked in his bed. =( Poor baby!! I spent the next 45 minutes in there cleaning and redressing the bed. At which point the Hubs came in and finished up for me, because he knew I'd been up alot. (He's so wonderful!!)
Let's just say, last night was one of the loooooonnnngest nights ever! I'm glad it's over. Firecracker still isn't feeling the best today, so we will be laying low and hoping this passes quickly.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"Warp Speed, Mr. Sulu"
* Just a note, I am not a trekie, so I really don't know if Mr. Sulu was the one Captain Kirk told to take it to warp speed. It just sounded right in my brain. =) Anyway, on with the story!
Sunday afternoons are a wonderful time of rest in our home. We eat lunch and then the kids lay down for naps. They are usually tuckered out from church so they take nice long naps. Which means that Mama and Daddy get a rest too. I make a habit of taking a nap on Sunday afternoons. After all even God rested on the 7th day =).
This last Sunday was no exception. I laid down and took a wonderful nap. The Hubs and the kids were all sleeping also, so the house was nice and quiet. One slight hiccup in the plan. The hubs and I usually coordinate and at least one of us sets an alarm to make sure we are up in time to get ready for our church's evening service. This time we both just fell asleep. *cue everyone saying "uh-oh".*
I woke up at 5:21 pm. Mind you our church is a half an hour away and we have to leave our house by 5:30 to get there by the time the evening service starts at 6pm. I jumped out of bed, woke the Hubs and the kids. We all got dressed, and out the door and we were only 10 minutes late to church! That's what I call warp speed. Especially with 2 kids =). Let's just say it was interesting, and none of us left the house without anything important (ie. pants or shoes).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Sunday afternoons are a wonderful time of rest in our home. We eat lunch and then the kids lay down for naps. They are usually tuckered out from church so they take nice long naps. Which means that Mama and Daddy get a rest too. I make a habit of taking a nap on Sunday afternoons. After all even God rested on the 7th day =).
This last Sunday was no exception. I laid down and took a wonderful nap. The Hubs and the kids were all sleeping also, so the house was nice and quiet. One slight hiccup in the plan. The hubs and I usually coordinate and at least one of us sets an alarm to make sure we are up in time to get ready for our church's evening service. This time we both just fell asleep. *cue everyone saying "uh-oh".*
I woke up at 5:21 pm. Mind you our church is a half an hour away and we have to leave our house by 5:30 to get there by the time the evening service starts at 6pm. I jumped out of bed, woke the Hubs and the kids. We all got dressed, and out the door and we were only 10 minutes late to church! That's what I call warp speed. Especially with 2 kids =). Let's just say it was interesting, and none of us left the house without anything important (ie. pants or shoes).
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
* If you're having a problem commenting there is a way to fix it. If you have the "keep me signed in" box for your personal email checked it will not allow you to comment. Simply uncheck the box and then you should be allowed to comment.
Monday, April 16, 2012
A Hot Pink Guitar
The other day I went to Salvation Army with both muchkins and my Mama. I told Firecracker as we were getting ready to go in that if he was a good boy I would let him pick out a toy. While I took Sweet pea and looked through the clothing, Mama took Firecracker to look at the toys. Almost immediately he found a Hot Pink guitar.
He was very excited about it. Through the store he clung to the guitar and showed it to anyone and everyone he encountered. And he would tell them, "look, look my guitar!"
Firecracker loves his guitar still. He will bring me his little drum and want me to play then he dances around playing his guitar. It's super cute.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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He was very excited about it. Through the store he clung to the guitar and showed it to anyone and everyone he encountered. And he would tell them, "look, look my guitar!"
Firecracker loves his guitar still. He will bring me his little drum and want me to play then he dances around playing his guitar. It's super cute.
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Friday, April 13, 2012
5 Question Friday!
Happy Friday, Friends! Once again the days flew by and the weekend is once again upon us! This weekend is going to be great! And crazy.... Events include a date night (YIPPEEEEE!!!!), a garage sale, and a birthday party, not to mention Church on Sunday morning and evening. It'll be tiring, but fun, and hopefully slightly profitable ;).
Once again a big thanks to Mama M. for letting me link up. Now on with the Fun!
1. Who mows your grass?
The Hubs mows our grass most of the time. However, I have been known to get out there and mow when necessary. Also, my Daddy and older brother have been known to mow the lawn when they’re here visiting. (I know, we expect a lot from our house guests!!! Hahaha! Just to be clear we didn’t ask them to, they just did it. Another reason I love my family.)
2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)?
Yes, I do. I actually have 2. And here they are:
3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!)
I would have to say the Bible is the book that influences my thinking the most. No matter how many times I read it, I always find something new, applicable, and convicting in it.
4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year?
Yes, but my allergies are minimal. Most of the time I just live with it, but when it gets super out of control I take over the counter medicine to keep my nose from running off my face!
5. What's your go to meal to cook in a hurry?
Burritos. Our family loves burritos from the Hubs all the way down to Sweet pea, we are a burrito lovin’ family. It’s simple, quick and a crowd pleaser what’s not to love? =)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Ms. T
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Thursday, April 12, 2012
Birthday Paaaarrrrtay!
We went to a birthday party last weekend that was oh so fun! They had a bounce house, a pinata and cake all of which were of course a big hit with the munchkins. They even had a surprise visit from Spider Man! (it was a Spider Man themed party). Wowzers talk about awesomeness for munchkins!
And some of our friends were there that the Hubs and I hadn't seen in too long, so even the grown ups had fun ;).
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And some of our friends were there that the Hubs and I hadn't seen in too long, so even the grown ups had fun ;).
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slide out of the bounce house |
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2 Spider Men! Both of which Firecracker was petrified of. Poor buddy! |
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Pinata time!! |
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Firecracker excited about his impressive candy haul =) Hope you all have a great day! Ms. T |
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Facts of Life
"You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the Facts of Life, the Facts of Life!" (you're welcome for getting the Facts of Life theme song stuck in your head =)
These things are not good, or bad in my personal opinion, they just happen to be true.
1. No matter how old (at least up to 3 because that's Firecracker's age) your child is the very first time you come out in public with no back up clothes for them that is when they need them. Even if they have gone for like a year not needing that change of clothes you've kept in your van. As soon as you don't have that back up set, BAM they need 'em.
2. Straps on high chairs gross me out. If you think about it long and hard they'll gross you out too. Seriously, you can never get them clean enough. Not to mention the buckles themselves. Nothing but a tooth pick will get inside those crevices. UGH! Sick nasty.
3. There will always be strange things shoved under the cushions of the couch.
4. No matter what time you set your alarm for your child will wake up 10 minutes earlier.
5. If you forget to set your alarm your child will sleep in.
Just some things running around my head =). Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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These things are not good, or bad in my personal opinion, they just happen to be true.
1. No matter how old (at least up to 3 because that's Firecracker's age) your child is the very first time you come out in public with no back up clothes for them that is when they need them. Even if they have gone for like a year not needing that change of clothes you've kept in your van. As soon as you don't have that back up set, BAM they need 'em.
2. Straps on high chairs gross me out. If you think about it long and hard they'll gross you out too. Seriously, you can never get them clean enough. Not to mention the buckles themselves. Nothing but a tooth pick will get inside those crevices. UGH! Sick nasty.
3. There will always be strange things shoved under the cushions of the couch.
4. No matter what time you set your alarm for your child will wake up 10 minutes earlier.
5. If you forget to set your alarm your child will sleep in.
Just some things running around my head =). Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Publix has a great money making deal right now! Carefree women's products are 1.29 and in the Green Advantage Flyer in the store (often found near the front of the store) there is a 2.00 off coupon! So just with the Publix coupon you are making .71 BUT the deal gets even better, because if you have the inserts from the 3-18 news paper the Smart Source has a 1.00 off manufacturer's coupon that can be combined with the store coupon making this a 1.71 money maker, PER package!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!
Happy Couponing!
Ms. T
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Happy Couponing!
Ms. T
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Laundry is a dirty word in my home. I despise it. And the more I ignore it and wish it away the bigger and more consuming a task it becomes.
I never really minded doing laundry until I became a mommy of 2. Now the laundry never ends. It sits and mocks me from the hampers. But it is a chore that must be tackled so I go at it (when I can muster up the energy. Don't worry we never wear dirty clothes, I won't let it get THAT bad! ;).
The other day I had done some laundry and had put it all away neatly. Then came bed time for the Firecracker. He went into his drawers and saw new Super man p.j.s. He pulled them out all excited wanting to wear them. I said, "yeah, buddy, mommy washed them just so you could wear them." Firecracker then threw his arms around me and said, "thanks, Mom, I love you." ! I melted! I melted so much I became a puddle on the floor. Who said laundry was a thankless job? I'll do laundry every day of the week if it gets that kind of response.
And this is reason 877,655,443,456 that I love my little man. He's so full of surprises.
Hope you have a great day!
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I never really minded doing laundry until I became a mommy of 2. Now the laundry never ends. It sits and mocks me from the hampers. But it is a chore that must be tackled so I go at it (when I can muster up the energy. Don't worry we never wear dirty clothes, I won't let it get THAT bad! ;).
The other day I had done some laundry and had put it all away neatly. Then came bed time for the Firecracker. He went into his drawers and saw new Super man p.j.s. He pulled them out all excited wanting to wear them. I said, "yeah, buddy, mommy washed them just so you could wear them." Firecracker then threw his arms around me and said, "thanks, Mom, I love you." ! I melted! I melted so much I became a puddle on the floor. Who said laundry was a thankless job? I'll do laundry every day of the week if it gets that kind of response.
And this is reason 877,655,443,456 that I love my little man. He's so full of surprises.
Hope you have a great day!
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Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Fun
Yesterday we had a fabulous day. Of course we opened Easter baskets:
Then we started the day off in God's house, which is a wonderful way to start the week =). Then we came home and Gram and Papa came over too.
We had a silly string fight
And the obligatory egg hunt which Sweet pea slept through.
And we ate a delicious ham dinner. YUM! Fun was had by all, young and those of us that are young at heart.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Then we started the day off in God's house, which is a wonderful way to start the week =). Then we came home and Gram and Papa came over too.
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My sweet babies all dressed up for Easter morning =) |
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Firecracker had a little trouble getting the can to spray, so the Hubs helped him get Gram! |
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Then Papa helped Firecracker get ME! I was only armed with a camera! |
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I LOVE Firecracker's face in this one =)f |
And the obligatory egg hunt which Sweet pea slept through.
And we ate a delicious ham dinner. YUM! Fun was had by all, young and those of us that are young at heart.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter, my friends!!
As we go about our day today doing all of the fun things like egg hunts, and decapitating chocolate bunnies, let's not forget the reason we celebrate this AMAZING holiday!
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As we go about our day today doing all of the fun things like egg hunts, and decapitating chocolate bunnies, let's not forget the reason we celebrate this AMAZING holiday!
1 Corinthians 15:17-22 -And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.
Jesus is the reason for the season!
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Friday, April 6, 2012
5 Question Friday!
Happy Friday, friends! Today I will get a chance to try my hand at photographing a tiny baby! EEEEKKK! I'm so excited =). Not to mention they are close friends of the family, so I hope I get some super great shots for them.
Alrighty, now on with the fun! Thanks again to Mama M. for letting us link up.
1. Would you prefer having people over for dinner or going to their house?
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Alrighty, now on with the fun! Thanks again to Mama M. for letting us link up.
1. Would you prefer having people over for dinner or going to their house?
It all depends on how awful my house is. If my house looks like a tornado has passed through it, then I’m all about going to someone else’s house. If my house is clean or even clean-ish I’m cool with having people come here.
2. Favorite Bible verse and why?
2. Favorite Bible verse and why?
Jeremiah 33:3- “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.”
I love this verse, because God promises to help us if we will just call out to Him. Such a comforting verse!
3. What was the first concert you ever attended, and the most recent one?
3. What was the first concert you ever attended, and the most recent one?
The first concert I attended was also the most recent one I attended so this one is easy =). For a special, surprise date night, before Sweet pea was born, the Hubs took me to a Jars of Clay concert. It was awesome, because they were celebrating the 10 year anniversary of their first album (which I LOVE). It was great and my Hubs is so amazing, just so you know.
4. The year is 2025. What are you doing, and what have you done?
4. The year is 2025. What are you doing, and what have you done?
In 2025 I will have 2 teenagers (Lord, help me!), and Firecracker will be old enough to have his license. I will need all your prayers, and possibly some xanax.
And in the past 13 years, I will have cured cancer, accomplished world peace, and finally been able to leave my house without any diapers packed. Wow, I’ll be amazing in the next 13 years =). Ok, so for real? I will have spent 90% of my time raising children trying to form them into respectful, productive little people, so that when they are teenagers, and adults they will be respectful and productive. I think that’s a worthy goal.
5. What's your favorite Easter treat?
5. What's your favorite Easter treat?
Egg shaped reese’s cups. Probably because I love reese’s cups in general, and I do love holidays so what could be better? =)
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Ms. T
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
A Bike Rider
A few weeks ago I got Firecracker a tricycle from a garage sale. It's taken him awhile to get the hang of it, but the last few days he's been doing really well! I'm so proud of the little booger!
Last night we went on a walk around the neighborhood and Firecracker rode his bike the whole way! Up to this point he'd ridden the bike only part of the way, and then I'd end up carrying it for the rest of the way. Not my favorite thing, but hey I was burning more calories :).
So here is a picture of my big boy and his second hand tricycle that he can ride like a pro!
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Last night we went on a walk around the neighborhood and Firecracker rode his bike the whole way! Up to this point he'd ridden the bike only part of the way, and then I'd end up carrying it for the rest of the way. Not my favorite thing, but hey I was burning more calories :).
So here is a picture of my big boy and his second hand tricycle that he can ride like a pro!
Hope you have a great day!
Ms. T
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012
If You Walked In Right Now.....
If you walked into my house right now (just to be clear, I mean "right now" as in while I'm typing this, probably not while you're reading it. Because you see while you're reading it Firecracker is probably awake and single handedly rearranging the furniture or something :), you would find it cleaner than it has been in weeks. The floors are swept and mopped, the laundry is done, the bathrooms are clean and the kitchen is spotless. Oh such a sweet thing!!!
Now, you might be asking, "Ms. T, how did you do that?" Well, I'll tell you! My Mommy!!! I was feeling overwhelmed with life and called her. She hopped in her car and drove down to rescue me! She's so wonderful. And as I sit here with the kids in bed (because it's late while I'm writing this one), and the house all clean I just thank the good Lord for my sweet, caring, kind Mommy. The end.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Now, you might be asking, "Ms. T, how did you do that?" Well, I'll tell you! My Mommy!!! I was feeling overwhelmed with life and called her. She hopped in her car and drove down to rescue me! She's so wonderful. And as I sit here with the kids in bed (because it's late while I'm writing this one), and the house all clean I just thank the good Lord for my sweet, caring, kind Mommy. The end.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The Timer
I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but in our home we live and die by the timer. When the Firecracker is in trouble and sitting in time out he asks me to "set the timer". It's like he thinks I'm going to forget that he's sitting there and make him stay way longer than he should...... you know this kid might be onto something ;).
Although the timer is used for time out purposes, it has made it's way into just about every part of our lives. You see the Firecracker is a very easily distracted child. Therefore, meal time can become excruciatingly long. It goes something like this:
Me- "Firecracker, eat your dinner please."
Firecracker- "sir, sir, ma'am, Mom" (this is the way he says yes sir or ma'am. It's so cute.)
He then takes one bite and while chewing he discovers something interesting on, under or near the table. Which then he stares at or plays with depending on if he can reach it for the next few minutes.
Repeat this for about 45 minutes. It can be very tiring.
The solution I've come up with? Set the timer. Give him a time frame to finish his dinner. Now I'm not saying that this is a fool proof method, because we still have our fair share of loooong drawn out meals, but it does help.
Examples of other times I use the timer:
1. When I've told the Firecracker we can go outside "in a little while". Setting the timer helps avoid the constant, "can we go outside NOW?" question. When the timer beeps we go outside. THE END.
2. Sharing toys. Little people struggle with sharing so giving them a finite time that someone else gets to play with the coveted toy helps ease the pain of sharing. *most the time*
3. How long the t.v. stays on. I set the sleep timer on the t.v. so that when a show is over the t.v. goes off and it's time to do something else. Otherwise, I go out of the room and don't realize the show has gone off and another show has started. It's much more difficult to turn it off in the middle of another show. I guess I'm a softy in this case.
That's all I can think of right now, but needless to say the timer is my friend. I may be asking for another one for Christmas ;). hahahahaha!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Although the timer is used for time out purposes, it has made it's way into just about every part of our lives. You see the Firecracker is a very easily distracted child. Therefore, meal time can become excruciatingly long. It goes something like this:
Me- "Firecracker, eat your dinner please."
Firecracker- "sir, sir, ma'am, Mom" (this is the way he says yes sir or ma'am. It's so cute.)
He then takes one bite and while chewing he discovers something interesting on, under or near the table. Which then he stares at or plays with depending on if he can reach it for the next few minutes.
Repeat this for about 45 minutes. It can be very tiring.
The solution I've come up with? Set the timer. Give him a time frame to finish his dinner. Now I'm not saying that this is a fool proof method, because we still have our fair share of loooong drawn out meals, but it does help.
Examples of other times I use the timer:
1. When I've told the Firecracker we can go outside "in a little while". Setting the timer helps avoid the constant, "can we go outside NOW?" question. When the timer beeps we go outside. THE END.
2. Sharing toys. Little people struggle with sharing so giving them a finite time that someone else gets to play with the coveted toy helps ease the pain of sharing. *most the time*
3. How long the t.v. stays on. I set the sleep timer on the t.v. so that when a show is over the t.v. goes off and it's time to do something else. Otherwise, I go out of the room and don't realize the show has gone off and another show has started. It's much more difficult to turn it off in the middle of another show. I guess I'm a softy in this case.
That's all I can think of right now, but needless to say the timer is my friend. I may be asking for another one for Christmas ;). hahahahaha!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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Monday, April 2, 2012
Egg Hunt, Pony Rides and CANDY!
My wonderful sister in law told me about a nearby church that was having an Easter egg hunt this last weekend. The kids and I went with my sis in law, brother in law and their two sweet boys, E and N. We had such a great time!
The kids got to play games, make crafts, have a ride on a pony and do the egg hunt!! It was a fantastic time. The Firecracker hunted eggs til his basket was full. Sweet pea was just along for the ride, but was happy to be there watching the other kiddos.
Once we got home, it was time to open the eggs and find out what was inside. Firecracker was soooo happy to find candy inside! If I would have let him he would have eaten every bit of it right then. Afterwards, he kept giving me excuses for getting more candy. "Mom, I went potty! I get candy?" , "Mom, I ate dinner! I get candy?" etc. He even went as far as to give the Hubs, Gram and I each a piece of candy and then expect to get one for himself too. =) Such a stinker. Gotta love him!
All in all it was a great day. One more reason my sister in law rocks =). Here are some pics to show you all the fun we had!
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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The kids got to play games, make crafts, have a ride on a pony and do the egg hunt!! It was a fantastic time. The Firecracker hunted eggs til his basket was full. Sweet pea was just along for the ride, but was happy to be there watching the other kiddos.
Once we got home, it was time to open the eggs and find out what was inside. Firecracker was soooo happy to find candy inside! If I would have let him he would have eaten every bit of it right then. Afterwards, he kept giving me excuses for getting more candy. "Mom, I went potty! I get candy?" , "Mom, I ate dinner! I get candy?" etc. He even went as far as to give the Hubs, Gram and I each a piece of candy and then expect to get one for himself too. =) Such a stinker. Gotta love him!
All in all it was a great day. One more reason my sister in law rocks =). Here are some pics to show you all the fun we had!
Firecracker playing a game
making a bracelet
E, making a bracelet too
Firecracker and I making a palm branch for "Palm Sunday"
pony rides!
Sweet pea wasn't super interested in the egg hunting
Firecracker loved the egg hunt and was curious about what was in them.
"Mom, look at how many eggs I got!"
Hope you all have a great day!
Ms. T
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