Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Worrisome Words

There are a few words in the English language that can strike much fear and trepidation into a parent's heart.  These words cause worry, anxiety, apprehension and concern to rocket through a parent with no regard to their heart's well being.  Oddly enough these same words coming from the same child can bring pride, joy, happiness and pleasure bursting forth in a parent's heart.  What could these words possibly be, you ask.  I'll tell you:

Look, Mommy/ Daddy, I did it all by myself!

These words could be accompanied by a marker mosaic on the side of a freshly painted wall, these words could come with the child parading about the house with their clothes on backwards and inside out, they may come along with a cup of milk that has been poured into til it is over flowing, or they may accompany a child's tied shoe.  No matter how they are uttered the child is incredibly proud of themselves.  It's us parents that have to worry which scenario will accompany these words.

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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