Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Road Trip!

Over Thanksgiving break we went to visit the Hub's dad.  I love going to see him.  He is really a wonderful man; one I am blessed to call family.  Unfortunately, my FIL lives 12 hours away.  Mind you, I'm not a huge fan of riding in the car for long stretches myself.  Now add up 12 hours in a van with 2 children.... Not my idea of fun.  

On the way to my FIL's we stopped 11 times!  Yes, almost once an hour!  Apparently, my son has a bladder the size of a peanut.  Granted he was not the reason we had to stop EVERY time, but I'd say at least 6 out of the 11 times were because he needed to stop.

Aside from the multiple times we had to stop, the trip went pretty smoothly.  The kids didn't fight (much), and they actually traveled quite well. I was truly impressed with them.  Because they traveled so well, it made me be able to relax and travel better also.

The trip home was better in that we only stopped 6 times.  We cut Firecracker off from all liquids unless we were eating a meal.  Not surprisingly this helped A LOT.

All this to say, we all survived! =)

Have a great day!
Ms. T


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