Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Craft

If you've been reading this blog very often you'll already know that I am not very good at crafting.  Ms. L is the crafter amongst us.  Anyway, every once in awhile I psych myself up into thinking I might be able to do a craft.  Most of the time it turns out miserably and I think to myself, "why did I even try?  I knew this is the way it would turn out!"

Well, this time I actually did one that turned out right!! I'm excited!  And I took pictures every step of the way so you can see it too =).

Here's what I used... kind of, ignore the lace, because I was going to use it, but then decided not to.  Hey, I'm a woman therefore I have the right to change my mind as much as I want =).

I took the glass and cardboard out of the picture frame and threw them away.  Once that was done I painted it.

I then took strips of ribbon and stapled them to the back of the frame like so...

I then attached a pretty monogramed letter that Ms. L had made me before.

And this, my friends, is the finished product! TADA!!  I am going to use it to hang Sweet Pea's hair bows onto.

This is the first and possibly last craft I post all rolled into one.  Hope you enjoyed it! =)

Have a great day!

Ms. T

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