Tuesday, January 22, 2013


In case you didn't know, I'm uber cheap.  I pinch every penny until Abe screams for mercy.  It's the way I am and the way I've always been.  The Hubs is the generous one in our family.  Not saying I won't help someone out, especially if I know and love them, but he's MUCH more apt to give.  I don't begrudge him that at all.  I'm cool when he is generous, I am just not good at it myself.  All that to say I'm cheap.  Above all else, I DESPISE paying retail prices.  It's a ridiculous mark up.

Anyway, the other day my SIL, Mrs. Pickles, and I went "thrifting" (aka shopping multiple thrift stores).  90% of mine and my kid's clothing comes from thrift stores or garage sales.  We picked up some GREAT deals!  Now, I'm not naive enough to think that every piece of clothing I need for my children or myself will come from thrift stores or garage sales.  I know better, but you can find some uber cute stuff for much less than you'd pay in the store.  

I picked up 5 or 6 t-shirts for Firecracker, a dress, a top and a pair of Levi jeans for myself and paid less than 20.00.  Yep, I love being cheap!

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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