Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wise Beyond Years

I have this little boy.  He is 7 years old.  He is funny, energetic, silly, compassionate, caring, and smart.
Over the last 7 years, we have worked really hard to raise a polite, responsible, caring, honest little human.  (Pssst... raising kids is hard work, especially if you don't let them get away with everything!)

Anyway, sometimes I just wonder if the things that I say and do actually take hold in his little heart and mind.  More often than not, I think that what I have been trying to teach is going in one ear and out the other.

Today, however, I was proven wrong.  Happily proven wrong, at that.

I got home from work, and started asking The Boy how his first day back at school went.  See, I started work over the holiday break, so this is a new beginning for us all.  The Hubs is driving him to and from school, and our routine has been altered quite a bit.  Well, I found out that The Boy hadn't started his homework yet, so we sat down and began the process.

I pulled out his agenda first.  (An agenda, for those of you that don't know, is a journal-type book that the teacher uses to communicate how your child is doing in school on a daily basis.  Behavior, studies, upcoming events, etc.)  In bright red ink, I found this note from the teacher:

"In class today, we created a journal page.  The first question was 'What was your favorite gift that you got for Christmas?'  His answer was : Love.  The next question was 'Who was it from?'.  His answer was: From my mom.  I was very impressed.  Every other child in my class named a toy as their favorite gift.  Good job, Mom!"

I almost cried.  He got it!  I was so terribly worried that with all the financial stress we were enduring, that he would feel cheated somehow at Christmas.  God provided and we were able to get the kids most of the things on their rather small lists, but I was so worried that he would be upset that a couple of bigger items weren't under the tree.

I couldn't be prouder of my little man.  The hard work has not been in vain.

Have a great day!

Ms. L

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  1. Wow!!! Thank the Lord! That is awesome! I am sooo proud of him...and of you!! What a wonderful gift for you and testimony to his teacher! Go, Dilyn! Tell him Gram loves him and is proud of him!

  2. I told the kids last night that they would get to see you this weekend, and they were super excited! :)
