Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mascara Mocker

Okay so I've admitted before that I'm constantly running late 
 Lately, I have been doing better.  However, to accomplish this feat, I almost always end up doing my make up in the car.  I do my make up at stop lights.  Well, a few weeks ago I was sitting at a stop light applying my mascara and I look over to see a man watching me from his vehicle.  He smiled at me and then pretended he was putting on mascara also.  I realize he was just having a nice little laugh, and honestly it brightened my morning.  It gave me a little chuckle.  Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself then you're way too serious.

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Garage Sale

If you know me at all, you know that I am a bargain hunter.  I am constantly on the look out for good deals.  A lot of the time my good deals come from thrift stores and garage sales.  Sometimes, I will bring the munchkins along on a "garage saling adventure".  It's an adventure, because it's like a treasure hunt.  You could find awesome stuff, or you could find nothing. 

Anywho, the kids have gotten pretty good about being able to spot a garage sale.  However, Sweet pea is a little trigger happy.  It has gotten to the point where whenever we drive past someone's house and their garage door is open she starts saying, "Mommy, look it's a garage sale!!"  So we've got a teensy bit more to learn, but she's on the right track!

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday, Blog!

4 years and 4 days ago, my friend, Ms. L, and I started this blog.  Ms. L has long since stepped back from writing on the blog, but she still can be inspiration for it from time to time.

Anyway, to those of you that have been reading my ramblings for 4 years and 4 days, God bless you.  And, you probably need to have your head checked! Hahaha!  For real, thanks for sticking with this crazy lady =).

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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Monday, September 14, 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to cry?  There is really no outstanding reason you just feel the need to cry.  I've been having a few of those days lately.  This morning I had a good cry of course over something that didn't warrant tears.  Maybe it'll be out of my system now.... Here's hoping!

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Explaining 9/11

Most people know that 9/11/01 was a horrendous day in America.  It is a day we all wish we could reverse and have never had happened.  However, it did happen and we have to face that.  And those of us that are teachers have the awful job of explaining just what happened that day.

In our teacher prayer meeting that we have half an hour before school starts every day, one of the staff members brought up the fact that this is the first generation that was not alive, or were only infants during the attack on the Twin Towers.  I had not thought about it like that.  I knew our class needed to have time set aside today to talk about what happened that day.  But once she said that I realized just how important it is to explain exactly what happened and why it happened.  Even while I'm sitting here writing this I am thinking of things that I should have shared with my class.

I decided to show the class this video.

 How heart wrenching and devastating is that?  I still can't believe it.  All those people lost their lives senselessly.  

Once we got home, Firecracker began talking about big towers that collapsed.  He wanted to know what happened.  So we had a pretty lengthy chat (at least a long chat for a 6 year old).  When I told him that the terrorists crashed the planes on purpose his eyes grew wide and he looked horrified.  "Why would they do that, Mommy?" He asked me.  And unfortunately, I had to explain that some people hate us just because of where we live.  It was a hard conversation to have for both of us.  I don't think he completely comprehended it all, which I think is a good thing, if he understood it completely he probably would never stop worrying. ( My little man is a very sensitive soul when it comes to things like this.)

What a horrible lesson to have to teach.  I hate it.  I hate that it even happened and it mars our country's history.

Always Remember,
Ms. T

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Thursday, September 10, 2015


In my *ahmena* years I have been truly blessed.  I have had a total of 8 true pastors in my life.  4 of these pastors are current and the other 4 were from my last church (99% of these were simultaneous, not different pastors leaving and new ones coming).  These include not only head pastors, but also assistant pastors, youth pastors and children's pastors. Each of these pastors has touched my life in an immeasurable way.  

Lately, I've been feeling like people forget to encourage their pastors.  I am ashamed to say that recently I too have fallen prey to life's busy routine and forgotten to thank these unsung influences.  I, more than the average Joe, should be more sensitive to this, because I grew up as a pastor's kid.  I witnessed first hand just how hard the ministry can be.

You who have never really had an insider's view of the ministry, allow me to give you a teensy little glimpse. The ministry is not always cake. It is MUCH more than preaching 3 hours a week (1 hour Sunday morning, 1 hour Sunday night and 1 hour Wednesday night).  It is dealing with people. Constantly.  

The ministry is, in my opinion, the most taxing public relation job anyone could possibly ever have.  You're not just in a job from 9 to 5, you're in that job 24/7.  People call your house at all hours because they are in need.  Examples: A phone call in the middle of the night, because a church member has lost a loved one.  A phone call because someone just had to go to the E.R. A couple in need of counseling, because their marriage has hit a rough patch.  Doing funerals of people you've never met, because they are family members of one of your church members.  Putting off your vacation, because a church member is close to death.  A phone call during your vacation, because a church member has had a major crisis. I could go on, but trust me you don't want me to, we'd be here for a looooonng time.

And yet despite all these things, good pastors persevere.  Not only do they persevere, they do it in love.  They comfort, guide and love their church members, not because it is their job, no it's far more than that.  Pastors do it, because despite all else church members are their FAMILY.  Not blood family most of the time, but family of the heart.  

Pastors truly care for their church members, not because God has instilled a love in their heart for others.  It is their calling.  This is not a job for the weak, it is a job that only those who have been called by God can do.  If a pastor is in the ministry for ANY OTHER REASON they will fail.  You may be thinking, now, Ms. T, that seems a bit harsh.  It may seem harsh, but it's true.  Consider this 1,700 Pastors left the ministry EVERY MONTH last year. Quick math for ya, that is 20,400 in a year.  

In light of this fact, take a moment and reflect on how blessed you are if you're a member of a church who's pastor has been there longer than 1 year.  The pastors that have touched my life have ALL been in the ministry for a long time.  Which proves their total commitment.

To all my pastors, and yes, I'm including the former pastors in my life, because you have all cared for me, counseled me, and taught me during some period of my life, THANK YOU.  From the bottom of my heart I thank you.  You are dedicated, and special.  You are a credit to the Kingdom of God.  I'm sorry I haven't told you more frequently, but thank you.  You will never know just how much you've done for me in my life.

With all the love in my heart,
Ms. T  

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fast Not Slow

It seems like time is zipping past me.  We go to school/ work all week, have a day together, a day at church and then rinse and repeat.  I know it is just this way, but wow.  Just wow.

Have a great day!
Ms. T 

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